i'm pretty happy right about now. No, I didn't get a house like a wanted to, long story, but I don't make enough. Peroid, Dream drlayed.
But, I am getting one step closer to that country living. I'm moving into a half-house/apartment in July if all goes well. I potentially have someone to sublet my apartment until October 1st. This new place will be quieter and cheaper for rent, but a little higher for utilities, but it all evens out in the end and works out to be cheaper for me.
Why the fuck didn't anyone tell me about mistakes that first time apartment hunters make? LOL.
"Sweet I got the first floor"=hearing every goddamn step the neighbors above me make and hearing techno blasted at 7AM when I went to bed at 3AM
And I have figured out that I am not a people person. NOT AT ALL. It's not that...but I like my privacy when I'm home and not partying. I prefer to go outside and smoke and not have neighbors sitting in lawn chairs staring AT ME when I'm smoking. Or little kids passing by and asking "Is the pool open?" WTF DO I LOOK LIKE, THE POOL OWNER? DOES IT LOOK LIKE THE POOL IS OPEN????
Yeah....privacy is nice. Never thought I was that kind of person. Funny thing is that for the longest time when I was planing my life away in the teen years, I thought I would live in the city people all around, music blarin, having a good time. I'm in the suburb/rural area apartment complex and I can't get any privacy. what the hell was i thinking? LOL
Yeah, the country is where it's at. Mind you, not too far from civilization. This area where I'm going to is nice because it's about 5 mins from Brockport, which is a college town, there's like 5 bars in a 100 foot radius, everything is in one 2 mile radius. Wegmans, Walmart, Aldi's, Bill Gray's for my cheeseburger fix, and the bars. Yeah, I'm gonna like this. It'll add about 10-15 mins more to my 20-30 min commute time to work, but it's all good.
Speaking of work....
I quit my part-time job. Long story short, they pissed me off one too many times the 5 years I've been there, and I've had enough. It's not worth the stress, headaches, abuse, or anything to stay in that job. They had cut me down to 8 hours a week anyways for the next month. Not worth it between taxes and gas. So now I'm out to find a little part-time job. Looiking at maybe a convience store or something. Who knows. If I can ramp up my sales at my full-time job and make more commission, I may not have to get a part-time job, especially with moving to a cheaper place.
I want to get more tattoos really bad. It's been almost 3 years since the last one. But about the only thing I could afford is maybe a black dot about 1/10 of an inch in diameter. Maybe a couple more months, we'll see
So, things are starting to get better. I am not so miserable in this place knowing that it'll end soon. Now I just gotta figure out when the hell I'm gonna move. This month I got Tuesday's and Wednesday's off, when everyone else who can help me move works. Maybe I'll bribe em to call in sick with beer and pizza, maybe.
So how the fuck is everyone else doin?
i'm pretty happy right about now. No, I didn't get a house like a wanted to, long story, but I don't make enough. Peroid, Dream drlayed.
But, I am getting one step closer to that country living. I'm moving into a half-house/apartment in July if all goes well. I potentially have someone to sublet my apartment until October 1st. This new place will be quieter and cheaper for rent, but a little higher for utilities, but it all evens out in the end and works out to be cheaper for me.
Why the fuck didn't anyone tell me about mistakes that first time apartment hunters make? LOL.
"Sweet I got the first floor"=hearing every goddamn step the neighbors above me make and hearing techno blasted at 7AM when I went to bed at 3AM
And I have figured out that I am not a people person. NOT AT ALL. It's not that...but I like my privacy when I'm home and not partying. I prefer to go outside and smoke and not have neighbors sitting in lawn chairs staring AT ME when I'm smoking. Or little kids passing by and asking "Is the pool open?" WTF DO I LOOK LIKE, THE POOL OWNER? DOES IT LOOK LIKE THE POOL IS OPEN????
Yeah....privacy is nice. Never thought I was that kind of person. Funny thing is that for the longest time when I was planing my life away in the teen years, I thought I would live in the city people all around, music blarin, having a good time. I'm in the suburb/rural area apartment complex and I can't get any privacy. what the hell was i thinking? LOL
Yeah, the country is where it's at. Mind you, not too far from civilization. This area where I'm going to is nice because it's about 5 mins from Brockport, which is a college town, there's like 5 bars in a 100 foot radius, everything is in one 2 mile radius. Wegmans, Walmart, Aldi's, Bill Gray's for my cheeseburger fix, and the bars. Yeah, I'm gonna like this. It'll add about 10-15 mins more to my 20-30 min commute time to work, but it's all good.

Speaking of work....
I quit my part-time job. Long story short, they pissed me off one too many times the 5 years I've been there, and I've had enough. It's not worth the stress, headaches, abuse, or anything to stay in that job. They had cut me down to 8 hours a week anyways for the next month. Not worth it between taxes and gas. So now I'm out to find a little part-time job. Looiking at maybe a convience store or something. Who knows. If I can ramp up my sales at my full-time job and make more commission, I may not have to get a part-time job, especially with moving to a cheaper place.
I want to get more tattoos really bad. It's been almost 3 years since the last one. But about the only thing I could afford is maybe a black dot about 1/10 of an inch in diameter. Maybe a couple more months, we'll see
So, things are starting to get better. I am not so miserable in this place knowing that it'll end soon. Now I just gotta figure out when the hell I'm gonna move. This month I got Tuesday's and Wednesday's off, when everyone else who can help me move works. Maybe I'll bribe em to call in sick with beer and pizza, maybe.
So how the fuck is everyone else doin?
I hope you have good luck finding a better job that you enjoy...
I'm doing really good this week, not much free time for this site though