A new blog entry. Fantastic!
I made flyers for the first annual Wawa Run. If I had a scanner I could do it up. But I don't, because I have so many things plugged into this laptop I dont think it could handle another.
On a different note.. The weather was beautiful on my days off so I went to the Zoo where I took photos of Flamingos and Poison Dart Frogs and I think a Monkey or 5.
They moved the Red Panda to a respite center, so I hope he's back by summer. Maybe I'll put some photos up but between working and moving into my new house It's a bit tough findind the cord to do so.
OK Fine! I'll make something up!
So I was at the store the other day and I notice a shopping cart moving on it's own. It would stop moving whenever I would look directly at it, so I would watch it follow me out of the corner of my eye. Finally I had enough, so I walked up to it and kicked it over, eggs broke and pickles oozed out from their broken jars and a gallon of milk lay on it's side making a "glugug" noise as it poured out from the top.
Just then a clerk asks if I need assistance and I tell him his cart was following me. He assures me it must be my imagination and as he goes to get a mop, we see a Leprechaun climb out from beneath the ruin and in a maniacal laugh he takes off running toward aisle 4...
Everyone knows that Aisle 4 is haunted by the ghost of Marcus Titteran, so we dare not follow him, but can only watch in horror as feminine products leap from their shelves and attack the little man in green until finally they absorb his bloodsoaked carcass into nothing.
Poor Leprechaun.
Yep. Tonight is my 16 hour overnight shift, so see you all tomorrow at 8am.
I made flyers for the first annual Wawa Run. If I had a scanner I could do it up. But I don't, because I have so many things plugged into this laptop I dont think it could handle another.
On a different note.. The weather was beautiful on my days off so I went to the Zoo where I took photos of Flamingos and Poison Dart Frogs and I think a Monkey or 5.
They moved the Red Panda to a respite center, so I hope he's back by summer. Maybe I'll put some photos up but between working and moving into my new house It's a bit tough findind the cord to do so.
OK Fine! I'll make something up!
So I was at the store the other day and I notice a shopping cart moving on it's own. It would stop moving whenever I would look directly at it, so I would watch it follow me out of the corner of my eye. Finally I had enough, so I walked up to it and kicked it over, eggs broke and pickles oozed out from their broken jars and a gallon of milk lay on it's side making a "glugug" noise as it poured out from the top.
Just then a clerk asks if I need assistance and I tell him his cart was following me. He assures me it must be my imagination and as he goes to get a mop, we see a Leprechaun climb out from beneath the ruin and in a maniacal laugh he takes off running toward aisle 4...
Everyone knows that Aisle 4 is haunted by the ghost of Marcus Titteran, so we dare not follow him, but can only watch in horror as feminine products leap from their shelves and attack the little man in green until finally they absorb his bloodsoaked carcass into nothing.
Poor Leprechaun.
Yep. Tonight is my 16 hour overnight shift, so see you all tomorrow at 8am.

ive got an n80 i havnt shot any film thru yet.
i read somewhere that it was simplified in its controlls to the point of elegance.