another episode of this flash toon.. featuring hitmen, zombies, jesus and the evil clown on the decks..
Madness Apotheosis
i love this picture..
it's pretty like flowers!
went and bought more music yesterday. i heard a few songs of this band and i liked it. a lot. so i found out they got 2 albums and an EP. so which one to buy..? well, i couldn't decide.. so i just bought all 3. and what an excellent decision it was too.. coz i liked all 3 so much, that had i bought just the one, i'd be down there the next day buying the rest anyway!
this is industrial the way i like it.. hard, relentless, pounding and aggressive. i been playin'em all day and all night since yesterday. my head hurts now, but i don't care
first album.. which blew me away..
the EP -
2nd album - industrial techno heaven..
i finally got my camcorder wire back so was able to retrieve my holiday snaps. although i didn't take half as many pics as i intended to. mostly there's a lot of videos - it is a camcorder afterall. and all my pics were usually quick snaps.
anyway.. these are from a road trip we went on a day before i left. we rented a 7 seater jeep, packed it with more drinks and food than we'd ever need. coz when we did this same similar trip last year, we almost starved to death and were dying of thirst - it wasn't very well planned. coz we were heading somewhere by the coast, surrounded by desert and forest. with the nearest village/town or any civilization, being miles and miles away through very rough and rocky road paths.
we also packed enough music to last out 5 trips and enough weed to be stoned throughout all of it.
even though the car was rented under my name, i wanted to take a back seat to the whole trip, so i let the czech guy do the driving..
this is when we picked him up from his place and he was sporting a pair of giant headphones - coz he was afraid we'd be playin our chaotic music at unlistenable volume and wanted to alienate himself from that vibe...
even though we grew up on the same music
being bored on the highway here and downing some beers. you can actually smoke and drink through that, there's a hole. but someone who saw this pic told me, "why just not wear that at all"?
well, i guess he was just bored. and it gave me somethin to do..
yea.. a bunch of bored kids...
then we finally reached the coast/forest/desert after a 2 and a half hour drive..
and this being the other side of the view.. which i didn't care to take, but was asked to by the fishing maniac in the goup.. several times.. (the czech guy)
to be continued... coz this is getting waaay too long and this uploading process is getting a little tedious..
new hair look!

Madness Apotheosis
i love this picture..

it's pretty like flowers!
went and bought more music yesterday. i heard a few songs of this band and i liked it. a lot. so i found out they got 2 albums and an EP. so which one to buy..? well, i couldn't decide.. so i just bought all 3. and what an excellent decision it was too.. coz i liked all 3 so much, that had i bought just the one, i'd be down there the next day buying the rest anyway!
this is industrial the way i like it.. hard, relentless, pounding and aggressive. i been playin'em all day and all night since yesterday. my head hurts now, but i don't care

first album.. which blew me away..

the EP -

2nd album - industrial techno heaven..
i finally got my camcorder wire back so was able to retrieve my holiday snaps. although i didn't take half as many pics as i intended to. mostly there's a lot of videos - it is a camcorder afterall. and all my pics were usually quick snaps.
anyway.. these are from a road trip we went on a day before i left. we rented a 7 seater jeep, packed it with more drinks and food than we'd ever need. coz when we did this same similar trip last year, we almost starved to death and were dying of thirst - it wasn't very well planned. coz we were heading somewhere by the coast, surrounded by desert and forest. with the nearest village/town or any civilization, being miles and miles away through very rough and rocky road paths.
we also packed enough music to last out 5 trips and enough weed to be stoned throughout all of it.
even though the car was rented under my name, i wanted to take a back seat to the whole trip, so i let the czech guy do the driving..

this is when we picked him up from his place and he was sporting a pair of giant headphones - coz he was afraid we'd be playin our chaotic music at unlistenable volume and wanted to alienate himself from that vibe...
even though we grew up on the same music

being bored on the highway here and downing some beers. you can actually smoke and drink through that, there's a hole. but someone who saw this pic told me, "why just not wear that at all"?
well, i guess he was just bored. and it gave me somethin to do..

yea.. a bunch of bored kids...
then we finally reached the coast/forest/desert after a 2 and a half hour drive..

and this being the other side of the view.. which i didn't care to take, but was asked to by the fishing maniac in the goup.. several times.. (the czech guy)

to be continued... coz this is getting waaay too long and this uploading process is getting a little tedious..

new hair look!

i'm a purchaser for a window blind manufacturer. and i deal with the east coast so much that it's easier to get a hold of people that early. i hate it more and more each day.....