there's this little restaurant/cafe in my area that i've been frequenting for about 4 years now. and for some reason, the owner there thinks i'm italian! sure, i always order a spaghetti bolognese whenever i go and i got this caribbean look goin on (i'm half greek!), but i never once mentioned anythin about italy or italian! i should've realised this mistake earlier though, but i was a bit slow in taking the hints. which included among many: while chatting away (him, not me) about football (which i don't follow) he would suddenly bring up an italian team and ask me questions (like i'd know!) and the time when he was chatting away about some current events and bringing italy into it (and italy had nothing to do with the subject) and the times he refered to me as the italian mafia whenever i went in with the leather trenchcoat (i thought it was only coz of the coat!)
well anyway.. i felt it had gone on for too long to break the truth to him, so i just went along with it, as long as i made sure not to lie about it straight out. so on the occasions when i said i went on holiday, he'd ask if i went to italy... so i just said 'no, not to italy' and promptly changed the subject....
but i somehow knew that it was only a matter of time before i got caught out.. and that day was today. when i went in today, his regular cute little polish assistant was absent, and there was another european looking girl instead. and it went like this...
owner sees me and suddenly lights up..
owner: hello alex!
me: hi
owner: this is (some name). she's italian!
(oh boy, here we go....)
owner: (to girl): he is italian!
girl: (to me): italian?
me: no... not italian..
owner: not italian??
i shake my head
owner looks puzzled.. he then goes to get my food.. it's take away, thank fuck for that!
but all is normal again, i just explained that i found it hard to break it to him after all this time... was kinda funny though..
but i get this italian thing like ALL THE TIME! seriously, does this face look italian?
ok maybe this one does a bit.. just a tiny bit...
well anyway.. i felt it had gone on for too long to break the truth to him, so i just went along with it, as long as i made sure not to lie about it straight out. so on the occasions when i said i went on holiday, he'd ask if i went to italy... so i just said 'no, not to italy' and promptly changed the subject....
but i somehow knew that it was only a matter of time before i got caught out.. and that day was today. when i went in today, his regular cute little polish assistant was absent, and there was another european looking girl instead. and it went like this...
owner sees me and suddenly lights up..
owner: hello alex!
me: hi
owner: this is (some name). she's italian!


owner: (to girl): he is italian!

girl: (to me): italian?
me: no... not italian..

owner: not italian??

i shake my head

owner looks puzzled.. he then goes to get my food.. it's take away, thank fuck for that!
but all is normal again, i just explained that i found it hard to break it to him after all this time... was kinda funny though..
but i get this italian thing like ALL THE TIME! seriously, does this face look italian?

ok maybe this one does a bit.. just a tiny bit...
