Tyranny, of the highest order. They know not my wrath is the supreme authority from wich all others are derived. Filthy, decadent slag pigs. The architecture of their ill fated destiny lies in the ruins of a butchers design. Swine in my slaughterhouse.
The stench of their corruption seethes through the pours of their rotting flesh. Invigorating the flames of my fury. My hatred that devours and consumes. Feeding avariciously upon the tainted blood of their beings.
I've seen The Belly Of The Beast. Baptised in the fluid of his evil guts, my frame glistens with the acid of his endless hunger. Feast upon my flesh and I shall burn your soul. Gallows for the greedy. Hang in limbo and swing from your sins. And when I speak your cursed name from my lips, you shall shed tears of blood. And beg me, to free you from your rope...
Death has darkened my path. He lives in my shadow. He whispers in my ear. He speaks your name....
....Time to pay The Reaper....
The stench of their corruption seethes through the pours of their rotting flesh. Invigorating the flames of my fury. My hatred that devours and consumes. Feeding avariciously upon the tainted blood of their beings.
I've seen The Belly Of The Beast. Baptised in the fluid of his evil guts, my frame glistens with the acid of his endless hunger. Feast upon my flesh and I shall burn your soul. Gallows for the greedy. Hang in limbo and swing from your sins. And when I speak your cursed name from my lips, you shall shed tears of blood. And beg me, to free you from your rope...
Death has darkened my path. He lives in my shadow. He whispers in my ear. He speaks your name....
....Time to pay The Reaper....
so sad that you are leaving