May those who dwell silently in the night, call my name. So I may part the shadows and bring to life the very darkness that shrouds their lost souls. May I offer sancutary to those who are shunned and rebuked by society. By those who call themselves -Holy- and say that they're better. May our enemies bleed for us. May the very oceans of the earth run crimson with their cursed essence. May they drown in their own hatred and pain. May they sink to a depth of scarlett sin, preventing their claws of corruption from compromising our existence. May I bring glory and power, strength and honor, to our magnificant kind. Our given birth right to reign supreme beyond the small world of light. Some call me the ravenous blood sick monster who owns the night. Instilling fear and terror in the hearts of my prey. My reign of terror, my legacy of darkness, it breeds supremacy in the highest order. Making those who thought themselves invincible and immune, now weak and vulnerable. They will -never- experience the magnificance of my being. Before my dark glory, they shall tremble with fear. When they look into my eyes, they will see everything they ever wanted or desired, all their lost hopes and dreams. And my fangs pierce their tender, quivering throats, they will see the darkness within themselves. Why their dreams never came true. I will taste of their wicked blood and show them the burden of their sin. The weight of their own death. A weight that is the Reaper's bounty. And my price for giving you peace in death, wich could not be obtained in life. Bleed and die slowly in my embrace, for the weight of your sin out weighs that of your pathetic soul. It is then, the moment before passing that you realize, you are nothing more, then shadows and dust. Children of the night. Don't be afraid. Call my name. I will spread the darkness and show you the path, to me. Children of the night....Come out.... Come out.....Wherever you are.....
Thanks for the encouraging words. You should keep writing, a book maybe. I'd be entranced by it.
Much Love,