It's official folks. Nice guys -always- finish last. I should've stayed ''The Villian''. Granted, people hate you and fear you. Though you have the ability to -command- respect, even through subsidiaries like hate and fear. It is the only language that other human beings understand. Terror in their souls. Pain in their flesh. You have to make them -feel- your thunder.
And if it wasn't for my Steel Rose right now, I'd be heading down a very darkened path. I am -hoping- she is the one who can save me. I think so. I hope so. And on that note, I'd like to take the time to thank the good people on my friends list who actually took the time to get to know me. You all know who you are. That goes double, if not tripple, for the wonderful woman I met on this site and am starting to fall in love with. She's just a member but DEFINATELY hot enough to be an SG and so much more. I thank her, for giving meaning to my life and purpose to live it. I adore you Steel Rose. Anyways, you all have a great week my friends. We'll talk soon.
And if it wasn't for my Steel Rose right now, I'd be heading down a very darkened path. I am -hoping- she is the one who can save me. I think so. I hope so. And on that note, I'd like to take the time to thank the good people on my friends list who actually took the time to get to know me. You all know who you are. That goes double, if not tripple, for the wonderful woman I met on this site and am starting to fall in love with. She's just a member but DEFINATELY hot enough to be an SG and so much more. I thank her, for giving meaning to my life and purpose to live it. I adore you Steel Rose. Anyways, you all have a great week my friends. We'll talk soon.
i'm only a red sox fan out of nostalgia when I live away from Boston. Otherwise going to school in kenmore sg carrying huge photo equip and working at bars on lansdowne exposed me to the evils of thousands of drunk fans hitting me like a flash flood. so , the team, yes I like, the effect of the sport on people, basically I now am annoyed by sports. Now that was a rant that makes lil' sense 

good luck with the girl. she sounds like a keeper, and we all know YOU are.