Soooo I got my internship. I will be making my trek across the country in late June to reside in lovely New Hampshire from July-December. Working with a group that works to ensure that a womans right to choice is kept safe and legal.
In other news, took some herbal "speed" last night and was zipping around for hours. Don't take it too often, only when it's nearing finals and I have paper upon paper upon paper due. My room is also completely organized and squeaky clean.
2 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks until I get to fly away to see my love on the east coast. I'm getting far too antsy for my own good.
Yesterday I bought the cutest pin, PEPE For President!! I absolutely adore PEPE the Shrimp from Muppets from space. Call me crazy but for some reason, I have an affinity towards cute sea creatures that wear clothes ans speak with latin accents.
Alright alright, now that you know one of my many guilty pleasures it's your turm to give it up.
Drinking- Coffee w/ hazelnut milk (lots of calcium)
Listening-Depeche Mode Music for the Masses
Wearing-Cut off jeans and a HWM shirt
Feeling-sleepy, a little sickish, and bored out of my mind from too much school work. BURN OUT!
In other news, took some herbal "speed" last night and was zipping around for hours. Don't take it too often, only when it's nearing finals and I have paper upon paper upon paper due. My room is also completely organized and squeaky clean.
2 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks until I get to fly away to see my love on the east coast. I'm getting far too antsy for my own good.
Yesterday I bought the cutest pin, PEPE For President!! I absolutely adore PEPE the Shrimp from Muppets from space. Call me crazy but for some reason, I have an affinity towards cute sea creatures that wear clothes ans speak with latin accents.

Alright alright, now that you know one of my many guilty pleasures it's your turm to give it up.
Drinking- Coffee w/ hazelnut milk (lots of calcium)
Listening-Depeche Mode Music for the Masses
Wearing-Cut off jeans and a HWM shirt
Feeling-sleepy, a little sickish, and bored out of my mind from too much school work. BURN OUT!

I loved Music for the Masses "I m taking a ride with my best friend ... save as houses as long as he remembers whose wearing the trousers ..." I remember making out sooo long ago in the planetarium's Depeche Mode laser light show. Thanks alot now finally Axl's voice has been banished! yay!
guilty plesures right now is jelly beans! I can eat a whole bag no prob. Good thing easter only comes once a year.
lemme think...
i secretly enjoy listening to enrique inglesia. he is my man crush...not in a gay way...I just think he is cool in that rico suave kinda way...ummm...yea...i
internship sounds great!