shitty day.....just remembered how much I miss her......kinda forgot for awhile there....
then it hit me again today....not sure why.....guess it was probably becuase I've been thinking about
our last day on earth together....her in the hospital and me holding her hand while they pulled the plug...
easily the worst day of my life, and I can't imagine how there will ever be a worse one....
nothing worse than seeing someone you love turn blue and go cold in your hand.....
and giving her that one last kiss, which just wasnt enough...
then it hit me again today....not sure why.....guess it was probably becuase I've been thinking about
our last day on earth together....her in the hospital and me holding her hand while they pulled the plug...
easily the worst day of my life, and I can't imagine how there will ever be a worse one....
nothing worse than seeing someone you love turn blue and go cold in your hand.....
and giving her that one last kiss, which just wasnt enough...
fuck ya, the club would be fun, don't do that shit often enough. By the time I was legal kev was out of the bar scene, but it would be fun if we could drag his ass out there one night. Anyway, see ya tonight, we're gonna take a ride around and check out some possible locations to take my pics, then head up there for around 7, so we may just finish up before 8am for once
Thinkin about hitting Tuckers in the am possibly...

how you mini-party with hayes and co. go?