Happy Birthday Slanny'd One......
thanx Caleb.....
hey no problem bud.....
thanx Caleb.....
hey no problem bud.....
yeah, sounds like it.....thats why i had to stay away.....it was my moms 60th so we had a bit of a party for her....there's no way i could be all messed and sketchy for it......but i do feel like an ass for not being around much as of late.....for quite a long time actually.....hopefully my next weekend off we can hook up......i'll have to come down there...Cari doesnt feel much like doing anything lately.....
actually it was supposed to be a 'dry' party but then the sat. went down just as the fight was starting so we had to move everyone down the st. to Cappy's. He had a bit so we only did 2 or 3 at around 2 am when most left, spent better part of the night getting drunk, so very hung over yesterday, couldn't get out of bed till 5. Sounds good, that's too bad about Cari, tell her I hope she feels better...