Well i moved into my basement. It is completely spider infested and it is giving me the willies just typing "spider infested". i wont live here long...just long enough to save for a down payment on a small house or a condo. Cause i'm tired of giving my hard earned money to the "man". i would take pictures and show them to you but that would only depress me more, due to the fact that it totally fails in comparison to my 15th story beautiful view of downtown calgary chick magnet bachelor pad. Some how "hey baby wanna come over to my friends basement" just doesnt sound that appealing. Not that I have ever said "hey baby you wanna come over to my place" and I thought it was hard to pick up girls before
with my new daughter. Now i have a kid and i live in a basement
oh man i'm gonna be alone for eternity. Why did i move into my friends basement again? oh yeah to save money
On a lighter note here is, in my opinion the beautifulist picture of my lil cherub to date
she is exactly a year and a half old... here is a picture from her first birthday
she has recently become a computer hacker, she started typing away on my keyboard and someone how got into the windows registry and deletd files right before my very eyes.. i dont know how she did but man did it screw my puter up
So as i am typing away @ 1:00am just now a freakin big mother black spider is danggling right beside my head hanging from the roof about one inch away from my left ear..... i'm pretty sure i screamed like a girl
its not that i dislike spiders i just dont like them on me... it goes back to some Black Widow trauma i suffered as a child
did i mention i vacuumed up a ton of webs before i sat down at my computer about an hour ago and i just vacuumed a ton of webs on friday. HOLY SHIT did that ever freak me out but i think i'm ok now

On a lighter note here is, in my opinion the beautifulist picture of my lil cherub to date

she has recently become a computer hacker, she started typing away on my keyboard and someone how got into the windows registry and deletd files right before my very eyes.. i dont know how she did but man did it screw my puter up

So as i am typing away @ 1:00am just now a freakin big mother black spider is danggling right beside my head hanging from the roof about one inch away from my left ear..... i'm pretty sure i screamed like a girl
its not that i dislike spiders i just dont like them on me... it goes back to some Black Widow trauma i suffered as a child

most of all i'm lacking stability tho. it's what i'm longing for now.