you would think that while photoshopping the Neopolitan ME avatar picture, that i would have elliminated the humungous bags under my eyes but oooooh no not me , i am too honest, that and i just noticed it now
Speaking of pictures of me... my friend, the beautiful and tallented Toosday ,took these last weekend of me on me' bike and yes i know its the wrong colors all over the place...soon it will be finished/customized and ALL BLACK

i dont no if you've ever tried to photograph things going past you at 180km/hr but it aint easy... thanks Toosday

Speaking of pictures of me... my friend, the beautiful and tallented Toosday ,took these last weekend of me on me' bike and yes i know its the wrong colors all over the place...soon it will be finished/customized and ALL BLACK

i dont no if you've ever tried to photograph things going past you at 180km/hr but it aint easy... thanks Toosday

Thanks again for the comment on my walking on water bit. I'm missing San Francisco badly. There's no ocean here in the desert.
I don't really meditate much anymore. I try to right before 'bed', but I just end up falling asleep.