Sometimes I have these metephorical concepts that come to mind, and then I want to write about them. But then I remember I can't just write the metophor without an explanation. I say that because there is this concept I like to keep in mind, that people are supposed to understand what you say, otherwise there is no point in communicating.
My life partner is...
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My life partner is...
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Glad to see you're posting again. Good luck in school. Don't work too hard, but do your best. 

i feel you with the frustrating moments in a relationship. as well as the school thing. i just started again it's icky.
out & about
Flowing from my mouth like foam, so old that it is now cotton. These wounds that I want to let heal run deep. They are black because I am bitter, and also because I have just left them to rot for three and a half years.
All right, I will finally admit it. I fucking loved her. I loved her so god damn deeply. There...
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All right, I will finally admit it. I fucking loved her. I loved her so god damn deeply. There...
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wicked shirt and
but i wasn't wearing any shoes!?!?!?!?!
but i wasn't wearing any shoes!?!?!?!?!

Mistypoo here, are you doing the nasty ?
Saw Duran Duran last night. Ai Hot! They played all the oldies but goodies. "Girls on Film, " "Rio," and "Hungry Like the Wolf." I enjoyed the setting emensly. It was held at the Memorial Auditorium in Sac which has seating that is somewhat like that of an old opera house. Above the stage is a glimmering painting that arches like a rainbow before your...
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I would have to go with Sophie and Maxi, but as you said the list could go on forever. I've been to Memorial too many times, graduation, concerts and so on. Its a nice place though. How is everything in Sacramento? I heard it was still raining. Take Care

Seda & Audio
It actually took me awhile to pick some. I haven't said hi in awhile so... "hi"
It actually took me awhile to pick some. I haven't said hi in awhile so... "hi"

My pants stand up by themselves! Pure white dickie capender pants, I think they'll break if I fold them.
Well hello pretty lady
Yeah I'm over that whole thing, just had to tell that guy my last two cents since he was so inclined to write something on his page about me... It's funny how humble people get once you drop em... And how easy it is for men to regret but can never manage to be proper when they accually have you... Oh well whats one more tear in my heart, just makes me stronger.... Hope the new year finds you well

Yeah I'm over that whole thing, just had to tell that guy my last two cents since he was so inclined to write something on his page about me... It's funny how humble people get once you drop em... And how easy it is for men to regret but can never manage to be proper when they accually have you... Oh well whats one more tear in my heart, just makes me stronger.... Hope the new year finds you well

Tatt's eyes got a hold of me!
I went to the gyno today. That was fun.
I like my gyno. She has always seemed to be a deep spirited person, but I brought my boyfriend, and she gave him the cold sholder. She didn't talk to him or agnolage him. I think she's a feminist. In any case, she beats the pervert/sadist gyno I had...
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I went to the gyno today. That was fun.

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Thanks for your comment in my journal
I hope the set goes up soon!!!

Hope your christmas was a magical one! I was sick most of mine
I'm feeling better now... Ready for a new year of suprises and experiences!
Oh and by the way you can Stalk me anyday baby

I'm feeling better now... Ready for a new year of suprises and experiences!
Oh and by the way you can Stalk me anyday baby

Take hold of me with your wings. Gently wipe away my tears with their tips. Can you wipe away my guts too? I would be cleaner than I am now. The blood would fall. Yes it's red in there. How would it be any different if my guts were in me or on the floor? Can you help me, can you save me? What if...
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I want to thank you for your inspiring words, it always amazes me when I really feel like someone gets it and it makes me realize I'm not alone with these feelings that I have, it's very refreshing to hear somone else with a voice of thier own... I'm still in Sac atleast for the time being still not sure where my next great escape will lead me

Well I'm not sure if you meant making out but it doesn't seem like a bad idea to me

Hey Everybody! I hope you all are well. I'm having a hell of a time with a boyfriend who is quiting smoking. It's hard for both of us. He is just raging! Just sitting alone he is pissed off. It's like he has actually been an uncontrolably angry psycopath for most of his life, it's just it was suppressed by the cigarettes. Now it's all...
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I love a nice clean vent. Thats what I thought this site was for, but then I noticed you don't have to be a member to read what I write, and that made me a bit uncomfortable. Do a detailed search for your suicide name on google, and it will come up with every comment you have ever left on someone else's profile. Sometimes the...
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I hate the favorite sg list thingy too... it sucks ass
I thought this pic was freaky and moving, so I share. Deathy photo
that's not you, is it?
i have no soul.
Okay, so I got all four wisdom teeth pulled yesterday. Right before they put me under the dentist said of my chipped black nail polish, "Time for a new manicure isn't it?" I really wanted to comment on his face, but decided thats not the best thing to do to someone who is about to put sharp pointy objects in your mouth.
Do you know...
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Do you know...
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What kinda farm animals you got?

I went to dollar tree today and they had fake bananas
. Smooth, glass bananas that had a nice girth. My friend made the clerck blush as she handeling my new banana. Said, "Don't chip my banana, I don't want any internal injuries." She said, "No chips Mam, have a GREAT evening."