Yes, I Like The Taste Of My Own Blood
I don't know, I always seem to piss people off even when I don't do anything. When I get pissed people think I dont want to be their friend or have nothing to do with them and that's not even the case. It's just fantastic, am I not allowed to be fucking pissed off without someone thinking ---"oh my god this is it I'll never see Slake again"or "oh my god he's breaking up with me"or" Oh my god I fear for my life I need protection". People are too soft no one is always happy and all smiles all the time unless they're a clown and even they turn Hulk out of nowhere. If someone is pissed and doesn't feel like engaging anyone that doesnt mean they dont want to be friends or want to break away from family or people they know---- it means exactly what it is------- that they are fucking Hulked and they dont feel like engaging anyone at the moment. what the fuck?
Here's the kicker I never break up or leave anyone everyone leaves me all the the relations I've ever had I was the dumpee; wether they be friendships or something a bit more if there was a girl involved. I was always the guy to draw the short straw when leaving or breaking off a relationship/friendship. It's ridiculous I guess people are too use to me being nice and when I do get pissed it turns biblical LOL. It's like the end of the world. I guess I need to show different sides of me more often I keep things suppressed way too much,but obviously it's for the greater good when I do because people take things I do and say and magnifiy them by a million. Everyone that I know personally take me way too serious that it's virtually comical. Anyways wonder if any one reading this has every felt like I have, If you never have I hope you never will . Welp that'sit friends I'll see Ya 'round
I don't know, I always seem to piss people off even when I don't do anything. When I get pissed people think I dont want to be their friend or have nothing to do with them and that's not even the case. It's just fantastic, am I not allowed to be fucking pissed off without someone thinking ---"oh my god this is it I'll never see Slake again"or "oh my god he's breaking up with me"or" Oh my god I fear for my life I need protection". People are too soft no one is always happy and all smiles all the time unless they're a clown and even they turn Hulk out of nowhere. If someone is pissed and doesn't feel like engaging anyone that doesnt mean they dont want to be friends or want to break away from family or people they know---- it means exactly what it is------- that they are fucking Hulked and they dont feel like engaging anyone at the moment. what the fuck?
Here's the kicker I never break up or leave anyone everyone leaves me all the the relations I've ever had I was the dumpee; wether they be friendships or something a bit more if there was a girl involved. I was always the guy to draw the short straw when leaving or breaking off a relationship/friendship. It's ridiculous I guess people are too use to me being nice and when I do get pissed it turns biblical LOL. It's like the end of the world. I guess I need to show different sides of me more often I keep things suppressed way too much,but obviously it's for the greater good when I do because people take things I do and say and magnifiy them by a million. Everyone that I know personally take me way too serious that it's virtually comical. Anyways wonder if any one reading this has every felt like I have, If you never have I hope you never will . Welp that'sit friends I'll see Ya 'round

Thanks for the lovely comments and birthday wishes, hope you're good lovely