So i went away for the weekend to my Cabin for a weekend of shooting and then a sweet party! I absolutely love it up in the Mountains! It was a Club roast and there were like 80 People running aroung on sunday! There were some new faces and cute girls! I always wonder why cute girls have to flirt and sit in a way that their ass hangs just makes a guy want to go grab them, throw them against a wall and screw their brains out! sadly i don't think that her friends would have liked that...oh well! I have been single for some time and it is fun to go out with a bunch of girls...but at times i do miss getting to really know all the little spots that gets her going! dating a bunch of people doesn't really give enough time to learn her! I have had some good stuff don't get me wrong, But after like a month Holy Shit! on a tangent! I guess it comes down to me being frustrated with girls who talk a good game but then come up short in the end! there too timid and try to imply shit...what the crap! I work better with the direct approach! tell me what you want, I don't care if that is you just want dinner, or you want to be screwed until we pass out! I am cool with that crap...just don't try and drop hints and then bitch when i don't get them right! done bitching from the weekend...and am glad that my motorcycle doesn't bitch like that! sure morebitching will in an awnry mood...or maybe that is horney...who knows!
sexually frustrated I take it?