OK...My job is eating my soul! It always takes up my week day time and i seem to be unable to find that girl that is ok with having all my attention on the weekend, and when i can during the week! im not good at this writting a blog thing but a friend said it would be good to get some of my ideas out on paper...well internet for now. I am working on it. hey if anyone has anything to say feel free and talk, i really enjoy meeting new people and hanging out! even if it is online! gotta find some dinner!

I've been blogging (livejournal and this site) since I think my freshman year of high school.... in the beginning I did it out of boredom but now I love that I have so much of my life documented. It's crazy to go back and read what I've been through and see how much I've changed and how even my writing style has evolved. You'll probably grow to enjoy it a lot once you get into the swing of it
Enjoy dinner!
i hope that i can come to even just moderatly enjoy blogging like this. i think that this is a great place to do it, there are some really great people and the who atmostphere is just awsome. Much better than, some of the other online communities i belong to. anyway...back to work!