You know what I noticed? Even though I have virtually no friends on here. (sorry for those of you who are my friends)
I never have enough time to post comments in everyones journals + update+post new topics in my groups. Its either one or the other. I can do one action and thats it! boy does that suck...I have like backed up journal entries to include in here. But I don't want to neglect anyone and I like to make friends....Plus I seem to always think I have something profound to say in the groups....
I never have enough time to post comments in everyones journals + update+post new topics in my groups. Its either one or the other. I can do one action and thats it! boy does that suck...I have like backed up journal entries to include in here. But I don't want to neglect anyone and I like to make friends....Plus I seem to always think I have something profound to say in the groups....
