I don't know if I should really list one as worthy of a "Wily Life" submission but I really enjoyed it and I haven't had an entry into that series in quite awhile (I was due
) so I think this'll do. (Hopefully holloween will be an entry to remember too! Heres hoping *crosses fingers*)
Well quite alot has happened since last I wrote, unfortunately though, most of it occured several days ago now and I don't know if I'll be able to rewrite it quite as it happened, or at least how I would have had you understand it...
Ok basicly this journal entry is two separate instances rolled into one so I think I'll give them both their own individual Story titles! Yay like a real tale right? (I wish I was a legitmate story teller
*Its ok to just skip one and just comment on the one you find more interesting.*
Hmm I'm not quite sure when this actually started but sometime within the last 24hrs I became very happy. Or at least very joyful full of energy and motivation full Odd thing is I don't know why. It just sort of happened. It was like, One night I went to sleep and the next morning I felt pretty normal...tired...then right as I was leaving the house a surge of happiness...Come to think of it I can't really much of anything I even did the day before or after..??? Nope, wait, here it is!
Yeah ok, about mid-day I realized that I had this math homework quiz to do and I had to turn it in, in the morning. Seeing as how I'm the ultimate slacker, (See my title) I haven't so much as cracked my Trig book and its week 6 now!!! So I bitched out and gave my friend (we'll call him dante for now) dante a call. I was doing my stretches at the time. He said he'd be over in about 45 minutes. How I got distracted for 45 minutes and wound up being caught in the middle of them when he arrived is anyones guess. (I don't understand myself entirely yet don't ask me to explain it) So he comes knocking on my door and I'm of course happy to see him but also simultaneously upset at the fact that he will no doubt become a new distraction for me and I need absolute peace to stretch properly. We start making jokes and just talking nonsense as I periodically hint I'd like some privacy. I think he was pretty aware I was serious but for some reason he stayed...??? It didn't really bother me I was just kind of confused as to why he wouldn't just go into another room or something while I finished up. It gets better.
After a short while my brother shows up to the party and invites himself in. So now he and dante are just chatting away whilst I try to maintain my focus. I had headphones on and music but I could still hear them. It was kinda funny though because just as I was finishing, Dante told this reallly funny story. I absolutly loved it! It reminded me of something out of jackass....This is why I love this guy.
So after that I'm not sure what we did really...I guess we went to the gym....?
I just had some situps to do so thats mainly what I focused on. Dante told me about how he had hurt his shoulder recently and how it had really threw off his strength training and overall excercise routine. He said he couldn't do any strength training that involved his arms and he has bad knees so legs were out. So he had pretty much been doing nothing but cardio all week. He was pretty upset about it. I felt bad for him as we all know how he feels. Perhaps me more than anyone. (More on this another time) So luckily I managed to pull off 3-400 situps while we were at the gym. Pretty decent. (Last two days my abs have been aching like crazy)
Unfortunatly I only got like 10-15 pushups
and I tried the shoulder thingy and either I got weaker, or I had like no energy that day because I was having a hard time on my lowest setting. There was just no way I was completing 3 sets. It just wasn't happening. Ever happen to you guys? Go to the gym and completly bomb a set?
So after that we came home. Tried to scramble up some dinner, and I made us both mixed drinks!
(not really)
I think he really enjoyed his cause he asked me to refill it like 3 times. I have to admit, they were the best I'd ever made. *brushes shoulders off* After that I set him to work on my quiz! Thats right I made him my
bitch! ha ha ha. Its funny like 30 minutes after we got started on it, Venture Brothers came on! True to my nature I immediatly abandoned my homework and commenced worship at the altar of vileness. It was a rather satifying episode indeed. And afterward we finished the homework(excuse me, WE!?!?) it was getting pretty late I guess and Dante just sort of slumped down on the couch for the night content I suppose to just flip through the channels. I did some dishes and tidying up in the kitchen(you'd never know it) and then I believe I fell asleep. The magic happened the next morning.
I heard laughing, and Dante came into my room and opened the curtain to let the sunlight in. I was pretty irratated by this, and was very thankful when my brother entered later and closed them. I was glad though because I don't really like to sleep late, I just like sleeping. (big sleep fan here, any others?) I did a bunch of stuff of no real importance, and we had some cool chats. And then it was time to go. Right as we were both leaving I was upset to see him go, he got in his truck and drove away. Right then I turned on my music and was instantly blasted with this wave of was so....relieving. Just like this surge of joy I felt it in my gut and it flowed through my veins and exploded from my mouth in the form of song. I rolled down my window and hit the highway. Turned the music way up....I felt like I was flying. It was trully amazing. I haven't felt that way in a long, long time. Its funny you know, you go through your everyday life and people ask you how your doing and you just say fine, fine. Or are you happy? You generally say "yeah". But I realized I haven't trully experienced happiness in almost my entire recent memory. Maybe over the course of several years even. What I am on any given day is typically a form of toleration mixed with certain levels of contentment. That is completly different from what I was experincing the other morning and throughout that day.
I don't know what caused it. But I know when It was happening all I wanted to do was be with people, my friends, new friends, and be myself. I guess it was sparked by gettting to see Dante after such a long hiatus. It like rejuvenated me and my dreams. One thing is for sure, I need to find a job where I can do that all day. I am begining to think I really am a very people person....
ha ha ha...
Well if you'd like to know what I was listening to while I was so bubbly and bursting smiles at the seams,
Heres a few: "Light and Day",(Polyphonic Spree) "Obsessional Park"(Paranoia Agent Soundtrack), and "Must be Dreaming" by (frou frou)
Other things that are making me happy right now are, my voice acting lessons, upcoming halloween events, my pineapples, and the idea that I could actually get the girl that I want...
(speaking of this)
Theres this girl in my class whos got this really mousy voice and shoulder length black hair. She's into anime and is trying to get into voice acting professionally. I never really wanted to talk to her before because I just thought she would be all stuck up and stuff. But she seems nice, she actually started talking to yesterday! How odd eh? I was such a doofus though she made all these remarks that I completly blanked on. She even mentioned how shes into hentai! I was just doing my "sure whatever"face because I didn't want her to think I liked her that way. Now she might think I am totally uninterested....*slaps face* shes so cute too...I really want her to be my girlfriend...
Now for the second story!
*Its ok to just skip one and just comment on the one you find more interesting.*
No this doesn't have to do with me! Haven't you guys been paying attention? As handsome a lad as I am I have no talent with the ladies you know that!
This is about my brother and his girlfriend(They were living in my house)
Long story short, they have finally thrown in the towel and Celeste said she wanted to take their baby to Ohio with her when she left. This obviously was unacceptable to my brother. They had a huge fight but evenutally worked out a compromise. (Something I seriously didn't think was possible) I hope this works out.
I'll elaborate later.
I don't know if I should really list one as worthy of a "Wily Life" submission but I really enjoyed it and I haven't had an entry into that series in quite awhile (I was due
Well quite alot has happened since last I wrote, unfortunately though, most of it occured several days ago now and I don't know if I'll be able to rewrite it quite as it happened, or at least how I would have had you understand it...
Ok basicly this journal entry is two separate instances rolled into one so I think I'll give them both their own individual Story titles! Yay like a real tale right? (I wish I was a legitmate story teller
*Its ok to just skip one and just comment on the one you find more interesting.*
Hmm I'm not quite sure when this actually started but sometime within the last 24hrs I became very happy. Or at least very joyful full of energy and motivation full Odd thing is I don't know why. It just sort of happened. It was like, One night I went to sleep and the next morning I felt pretty normal...tired...then right as I was leaving the house a surge of happiness...Come to think of it I can't really much of anything I even did the day before or after..??? Nope, wait, here it is!
Yeah ok, about mid-day I realized that I had this math homework quiz to do and I had to turn it in, in the morning. Seeing as how I'm the ultimate slacker, (See my title) I haven't so much as cracked my Trig book and its week 6 now!!! So I bitched out and gave my friend (we'll call him dante for now) dante a call. I was doing my stretches at the time. He said he'd be over in about 45 minutes. How I got distracted for 45 minutes and wound up being caught in the middle of them when he arrived is anyones guess. (I don't understand myself entirely yet don't ask me to explain it) So he comes knocking on my door and I'm of course happy to see him but also simultaneously upset at the fact that he will no doubt become a new distraction for me and I need absolute peace to stretch properly. We start making jokes and just talking nonsense as I periodically hint I'd like some privacy. I think he was pretty aware I was serious but for some reason he stayed...??? It didn't really bother me I was just kind of confused as to why he wouldn't just go into another room or something while I finished up. It gets better.
After a short while my brother shows up to the party and invites himself in. So now he and dante are just chatting away whilst I try to maintain my focus. I had headphones on and music but I could still hear them. It was kinda funny though because just as I was finishing, Dante told this reallly funny story. I absolutly loved it! It reminded me of something out of jackass....This is why I love this guy.
So after that I'm not sure what we did really...I guess we went to the gym....?
I just had some situps to do so thats mainly what I focused on. Dante told me about how he had hurt his shoulder recently and how it had really threw off his strength training and overall excercise routine. He said he couldn't do any strength training that involved his arms and he has bad knees so legs were out. So he had pretty much been doing nothing but cardio all week. He was pretty upset about it. I felt bad for him as we all know how he feels. Perhaps me more than anyone. (More on this another time) So luckily I managed to pull off 3-400 situps while we were at the gym. Pretty decent. (Last two days my abs have been aching like crazy)
Unfortunatly I only got like 10-15 pushups
So after that we came home. Tried to scramble up some dinner, and I made us both mixed drinks!
I think he really enjoyed his cause he asked me to refill it like 3 times. I have to admit, they were the best I'd ever made. *brushes shoulders off* After that I set him to work on my quiz! Thats right I made him my
bitch! ha ha ha. Its funny like 30 minutes after we got started on it, Venture Brothers came on! True to my nature I immediatly abandoned my homework and commenced worship at the altar of vileness. It was a rather satifying episode indeed. And afterward we finished the homework(excuse me, WE!?!?) it was getting pretty late I guess and Dante just sort of slumped down on the couch for the night content I suppose to just flip through the channels. I did some dishes and tidying up in the kitchen(you'd never know it) and then I believe I fell asleep. The magic happened the next morning.
I heard laughing, and Dante came into my room and opened the curtain to let the sunlight in. I was pretty irratated by this, and was very thankful when my brother entered later and closed them. I was glad though because I don't really like to sleep late, I just like sleeping. (big sleep fan here, any others?) I did a bunch of stuff of no real importance, and we had some cool chats. And then it was time to go. Right as we were both leaving I was upset to see him go, he got in his truck and drove away. Right then I turned on my music and was instantly blasted with this wave of was so....relieving. Just like this surge of joy I felt it in my gut and it flowed through my veins and exploded from my mouth in the form of song. I rolled down my window and hit the highway. Turned the music way up....I felt like I was flying. It was trully amazing. I haven't felt that way in a long, long time. Its funny you know, you go through your everyday life and people ask you how your doing and you just say fine, fine. Or are you happy? You generally say "yeah". But I realized I haven't trully experienced happiness in almost my entire recent memory. Maybe over the course of several years even. What I am on any given day is typically a form of toleration mixed with certain levels of contentment. That is completly different from what I was experincing the other morning and throughout that day.
I don't know what caused it. But I know when It was happening all I wanted to do was be with people, my friends, new friends, and be myself. I guess it was sparked by gettting to see Dante after such a long hiatus. It like rejuvenated me and my dreams. One thing is for sure, I need to find a job where I can do that all day. I am begining to think I really am a very people person....
Well if you'd like to know what I was listening to while I was so bubbly and bursting smiles at the seams,
Heres a few: "Light and Day",(Polyphonic Spree) "Obsessional Park"(Paranoia Agent Soundtrack), and "Must be Dreaming" by (frou frou)
Other things that are making me happy right now are, my voice acting lessons, upcoming halloween events, my pineapples, and the idea that I could actually get the girl that I want...
Theres this girl in my class whos got this really mousy voice and shoulder length black hair. She's into anime and is trying to get into voice acting professionally. I never really wanted to talk to her before because I just thought she would be all stuck up and stuff. But she seems nice, she actually started talking to yesterday! How odd eh? I was such a doofus though she made all these remarks that I completly blanked on. She even mentioned how shes into hentai! I was just doing my "sure whatever"face because I didn't want her to think I liked her that way. Now she might think I am totally uninterested....*slaps face* shes so cute too...I really want her to be my girlfriend...
Now for the second story!
*Its ok to just skip one and just comment on the one you find more interesting.*
No this doesn't have to do with me! Haven't you guys been paying attention? As handsome a lad as I am I have no talent with the ladies you know that!
This is about my brother and his girlfriend(They were living in my house)
Long story short, they have finally thrown in the towel and Celeste said she wanted to take their baby to Ohio with her when she left. This obviously was unacceptable to my brother. They had a huge fight but evenutally worked out a compromise. (Something I seriously didn't think was possible) I hope this works out.
I'll elaborate later.