Hmm many things have happened once again since I last updated....One of which was christmas, Oh I got a job at a pizza place, returned to school, saw many more kids on those in line shoe skate things(so so cool) oh and now I'm have this cool little study group I hang out with! How sweet is that? But aside from all this other extraenous crap, I'd like to talk about my adventures. My adventures with "THE AMAZING CREW" I haven't decided which members are actually part of the official crew yet but still. So far the guaranteed members are (Not our real names of course) Capt Amazing, Mr. Goodbar, and of course Belthasar(Me)
Soon I might be adding my two new friends from school to the super group as well. We haven't got our crime fighting outfits yet but we will shortly! I'm still working on mine, but the other day, when we were in Ybor, I saw some good clothes I could use to assemble it. And I have the idea for the captains jacket! I just hope its something he would wear. I don't want to spend all this time, money, and energy on it only to have it end up in his closet sitting in a pile of in dust.
So all four of us(Me "The Amazing" my brother and his girlfriend) spent the whole day to together it was fantastic! First me and(shit I'm just gonna say it, this cloak and dagger stuff is way to troublesome) Siey went out to the store because I found this hair stuff that works really well and I wanted to let justin in on my little secrect. So were on the road and I think I played "light and day" for siey and he just fell in love with it!
I was so suprised that he liked it so much. (This coming from the guy who is the vocalist for a heavy metal band.) He hit repeat on it like 4 times! I didn't care though because heck, I love it too.
So as we were driving to the mall siey noticed a van pulling up alongside us, it was my mom and justin on there way to the bank! It was so random! We turned up our stuff and just started dancing wildly to the music it was funny. And it put a smile on their faces sooo...
While we were at the store my best friend asked me if I think I would start a band like "Polyphonic Spree" I said "no." Not because I'm uninterested in it, but because it would be too difficult to manage. Did you guys know that they're their own orchestra? After I told him that he was like:"Oh," heh heh heh. Yeah I guess not. I was like yeah. After we got back to the house we picked up Mr goodbar and his girlfriend and headed over to my ex's house or rather I should say, her mothers house, seeing as how she doesn't live there anymore....
More another time I'm way tired, need to get home and I have school in the morning. So I'm afraid I must leave you with this: <TO BE CONTINUED>
Hmm many things have happened once again since I last updated....One of which was christmas, Oh I got a job at a pizza place, returned to school, saw many more kids on those in line shoe skate things(so so cool) oh and now I'm have this cool little study group I hang out with! How sweet is that? But aside from all this other extraenous crap, I'd like to talk about my adventures. My adventures with "THE AMAZING CREW" I haven't decided which members are actually part of the official crew yet but still. So far the guaranteed members are (Not our real names of course) Capt Amazing, Mr. Goodbar, and of course Belthasar(Me)
Soon I might be adding my two new friends from school to the super group as well. We haven't got our crime fighting outfits yet but we will shortly! I'm still working on mine, but the other day, when we were in Ybor, I saw some good clothes I could use to assemble it. And I have the idea for the captains jacket! I just hope its something he would wear. I don't want to spend all this time, money, and energy on it only to have it end up in his closet sitting in a pile of in dust.
So all four of us(Me "The Amazing" my brother and his girlfriend) spent the whole day to together it was fantastic! First me and(shit I'm just gonna say it, this cloak and dagger stuff is way to troublesome) Siey went out to the store because I found this hair stuff that works really well and I wanted to let justin in on my little secrect. So were on the road and I think I played "light and day" for siey and he just fell in love with it!

So as we were driving to the mall siey noticed a van pulling up alongside us, it was my mom and justin on there way to the bank! It was so random! We turned up our stuff and just started dancing wildly to the music it was funny. And it put a smile on their faces sooo...

While we were at the store my best friend asked me if I think I would start a band like "Polyphonic Spree" I said "no." Not because I'm uninterested in it, but because it would be too difficult to manage. Did you guys know that they're their own orchestra? After I told him that he was like:"Oh," heh heh heh. Yeah I guess not. I was like yeah. After we got back to the house we picked up Mr goodbar and his girlfriend and headed over to my ex's house or rather I should say, her mothers house, seeing as how she doesn't live there anymore....
More another time I'm way tired, need to get home and I have school in the morning. So I'm afraid I must leave you with this: <TO BE CONTINUED>