didnt get that much done today my roommate is still out god knows where. hasnt called or tried to reach us at all. so my parents keep asking me where hes at. gawd i wish i could beat him with a shovel of sense.
i finally got money into the bank but i only got to deposit it in the atm so i have to wait till tommorow to update bill info.so i hope i wont gray out.
NONE of the comics i wanted came out today which fucking sucks especially since thats what i was looking forward to all day. i ended up buying the first seven issues of a comic i prolly wont get any more of. at least it gave me something to do for a couple of hours.
sooo thats my exciting day.

i finally got money into the bank but i only got to deposit it in the atm so i have to wait till tommorow to update bill info.so i hope i wont gray out.
NONE of the comics i wanted came out today which fucking sucks especially since thats what i was looking forward to all day. i ended up buying the first seven issues of a comic i prolly wont get any more of. at least it gave me something to do for a couple of hours.
sooo thats my exciting day.
ahh never heard of it
probably is! haha you got suckered! well i am goin to sleep cos long day ahead. night cutie pie!