So im assuming that leaves to return is the only one that saw my last journal. so ill just say that my love life sucks as usual. today was so horribly fucking bad my roommate left with his ex to go who knows where then calls and tells me that hes not gonna be back tonight. which leaves me to explain why hes not here to my parents and to explain where he went to his new gf. so i figure maybe ill go see the bourne supremacy cuz i have this free movie ticket. so i get in my car go to the gas station see that its packed so i figure ill check on my grandparents since the next closest gas station is by them. that went ok but then that gas station was packed also. so i started to the next one and my car fucking runs outta gas. apparently my low gas light is busted. so i have to walk back to my grandparents and explain what happened and ask for money and to borrow their van. got gas in my car dropped the van off and walked back. on my way back i look at my ticket and it fucking says that its expired yesterday.
so i go to bestbuy instead to get some cds. find a couple that look good then i get into line and this guy was like yo yo the lines back here. there wasnt anyone but him standing behind one of their dvd racks where i couldnt see him. so i just got behind him. then this other guy does the same thing i did and the fucking guy doesnt say shit. but a manager did come up and say sir there is no line today please choose a lane.
yesterday wasnt very good either the rents were gone so i got some booze and roommate brought over his new gf which i was cool with cuz i wanted to talk to her about her friend that i mentioned in last journal. got to talk a bit about that when he left to do something. she made it sound as though i had a chance. later on when we were drunk or getting there she kept talking about threesomes and porn. which was just fucking weird to me cuz i dont like her like that, and i felt bad for my roommate. then when they were talking crazy to eachother i said you two are retarded for eachother, because they arent officially going out or something. then she says thats she retarded for me and that made me feel like a big pile of shit. i barely talk to this girl and my roommate is trying so hard.
got some sweet shirts from the salvation army. maybe ill be able to get some pics up with my new the go betty go ep which is sweet. cant find the horrorpops cd anywhere. i hope my gramma was right when she said better days are ahead earlier.
PS: forgot to add that i think im gonna have to give up on my achilles tattoo cuz one i have no money right now and two its just too hard to figure out. BUT i think i may get 3 or 4 stars on the back of my arm or something similar. but alotta things could change maybe one star or just one or two at a time.
so i go to bestbuy instead to get some cds. find a couple that look good then i get into line and this guy was like yo yo the lines back here. there wasnt anyone but him standing behind one of their dvd racks where i couldnt see him. so i just got behind him. then this other guy does the same thing i did and the fucking guy doesnt say shit. but a manager did come up and say sir there is no line today please choose a lane.

got some sweet shirts from the salvation army. maybe ill be able to get some pics up with my new the go betty go ep which is sweet. cant find the horrorpops cd anywhere. i hope my gramma was right when she said better days are ahead earlier.

PS: forgot to add that i think im gonna have to give up on my achilles tattoo cuz one i have no money right now and two its just too hard to figure out. BUT i think i may get 3 or 4 stars on the back of my arm or something similar. but alotta things could change maybe one star or just one or two at a time.

Why not work on becoming a better potential boyfriend instead? You're still young, it's something you can still hold off for. I'd rather see you truely happy with a good girl than maybe "getting some" today and ending up paying child support for the rest of your life because accidents happen and turns out the girl is a psychotic.
Hang in there, it can't always be doom and gloom.