So, apparently it is my Birthday today. 
The last year of my 20s... Oh 20s, how I have loved thee so far. Drinking, unknown measures of causing trouble, shenanigans and other random bullshit, graduating from college, weeding through many shit jobs before finding my current awesome job, beautiful girls, unstable girls... beautiful unstable girls... I have loved it all so far...
So, my trip to MadTown was fantastic! Pictures:

(this is the cool gentleman who sold me my hat - i came across some fake mustaches in my travels and went back to the shop to take a duo-mustache shot - pretty sweet, yes?)

she was complaining about a small spider bite that swelled up on her forehead so i decided to apply ice... from my drink... which dripped all over her... my intentions were mostly good though i think

Included you will see the amazing views in Madison, the beer, food, people and general awesomeness I experienced. You will also notice a red-bearded Chuck Norris who I am now friends with, lol. Props to aldremech for sending over the Chuck Norris jokes on short notice. Sailing was amazing people! I will be going back next summer as it was in the 70s the entire time I was there as opposed to the 110s currently in Phoenix... Anyway, I'm off to bed. I have a long B-Day weekend ahead!
What's the best birthday present you've ever received?

The last year of my 20s... Oh 20s, how I have loved thee so far. Drinking, unknown measures of causing trouble, shenanigans and other random bullshit, graduating from college, weeding through many shit jobs before finding my current awesome job, beautiful girls, unstable girls... beautiful unstable girls... I have loved it all so far...
So, my trip to MadTown was fantastic! Pictures:

(this is the cool gentleman who sold me my hat - i came across some fake mustaches in my travels and went back to the shop to take a duo-mustache shot - pretty sweet, yes?)

she was complaining about a small spider bite that swelled up on her forehead so i decided to apply ice... from my drink... which dripped all over her... my intentions were mostly good though i think

Included you will see the amazing views in Madison, the beer, food, people and general awesomeness I experienced. You will also notice a red-bearded Chuck Norris who I am now friends with, lol. Props to aldremech for sending over the Chuck Norris jokes on short notice. Sailing was amazing people! I will be going back next summer as it was in the 70s the entire time I was there as opposed to the 110s currently in Phoenix... Anyway, I'm off to bed. I have a long B-Day weekend ahead!

What's the best birthday present you've ever received?
Nope, no pajama party ( I never felt the desire to participate in such nonsense) and its not a dentist appointment either.