I've been working the new full time gig which I love.
The event planning company I helped start had our first event today and it was a success.
The marketing project I spoke about last time is well on its way to taking shape. Thank you to everyone who helped out with the marketing info!
Life is fantastic but busy as hell and I've been getting almost no sleep.
Speaking of fantastic, allow me to introduce you to some more amazing music:
What is your favorite food and why?
The event planning company I helped start had our first event today and it was a success.
The marketing project I spoke about last time is well on its way to taking shape. Thank you to everyone who helped out with the marketing info!
Life is fantastic but busy as hell and I've been getting almost no sleep.
Speaking of fantastic, allow me to introduce you to some more amazing music:
What is your favorite food and why?
thanks yo!
thanks yo!