Did you know there was an SGAZ party at the San Carlos on Friday? What's that? You've already read 47 other blogs about it? Oh... so that's why everyone's giving me shit for not having posted all my pictures yet...
Sorry for the delay -- I had a pretty brutal hangover after this evening of mayhem. I laid on a couch for most of the day like a hospital patient with a bad case of the swine flu. Apparently it's not a good idea to drink a gallon of booze without eating dinner *ahem, ahem*
In order to cure my hangover I proceeded to get drunk for the rest of the weekend and only now am I back to homeostasis.
Here is what you've all been waiting for...
I give you:
Absolutely Ridiculous SGAZ Party at San Carlos Pics:

I think everyone had a blast. Great job to Ally for putting everything together!!!

Sorry for the delay -- I had a pretty brutal hangover after this evening of mayhem. I laid on a couch for most of the day like a hospital patient with a bad case of the swine flu. Apparently it's not a good idea to drink a gallon of booze without eating dinner *ahem, ahem*
In order to cure my hangover I proceeded to get drunk for the rest of the weekend and only now am I back to homeostasis.
Here is what you've all been waiting for...
I give you:
Absolutely Ridiculous SGAZ Party at San Carlos Pics:

I think everyone had a blast. Great job to Ally for putting everything together!!!

would probably be an interesting project. Ill keep it in my mind. 

I almost feel bad for being such a lesbian all night....