i dont wanna be in love, we've established that... But sumtimes i get crushessss & i want to get wild with themmmm but im still a prude & no relationship =no sex.... which its all good to hook sumone im crushin on & sing "im not in love but im gunna fuck u til sumbody better... comes alooonggg" BUT this time im crushin on sumone i've known for years. & he's amazing & he's good to me & he thinks im HOT & he'd probably fall in love with me & all that jazz... so wats the problem? ughhh i kno, i KNOW if joey showed up on my doorstep tomorrow... i'd fall into his arms... and i cant, without feeling guilty... even date sumone who means so much to me... being more than friends, would be amazing... but not at the risk of breaking his heart sumday (and im not assuming joey will come home, im assuming i wont ever get over joey) Not sumone this awesome
This blowssssssss.
i dont wanna be in love, we've established that... But sumtimes i get crushessss & i want to get wild with themmmm but im still a prude & no relationship =no sex.... which its all good to hook sumone im crushin on & sing "im not in love but im gunna fuck u til sumbody better... comes alooonggg" BUT this time im crushin on sumone i've known for years. & he's amazing & he's good to me & he thinks im HOT & he'd probably fall in love with me & all that jazz... so wats the problem? ughhh i kno, i KNOW if joey showed up on my doorstep tomorrow... i'd fall into his arms... and i cant, without feeling guilty... even date sumone who means so much to me... being more than friends, would be amazing... but not at the risk of breaking his heart sumday (and im not assuming joey will come home, im assuming i wont ever get over joey) Not sumone this awesome

If you're good enough friends now, you'd survive a break-up down the line even if it wasn't right for one of you...
I say, pursue it!