oh wow its been ages
umm my man of a year and a half who begged me to drop my life in cali and come be with him in vegas (which i did) left me at the end of october for a woman 9yrs his senior... wow ew. It totally blows. I'm trying to move on but i cant find any guys worth keepin around. I'm a fuckin prude & most guys get tired of waiting after a few weeks. =/ oh wellllllll. i been partying like crazy tho <3 my homies <3 <3 <333. xmas sucked im a grinch i dont care fuck holidays... ummm i saw marilyn manson on halloween it was AMAZINGGG. Andddd uhh idk BORED
umm my man of a year and a half who begged me to drop my life in cali and come be with him in vegas (which i did) left me at the end of october for a woman 9yrs his senior... wow ew. It totally blows. I'm trying to move on but i cant find any guys worth keepin around. I'm a fuckin prude & most guys get tired of waiting after a few weeks. =/ oh wellllllll. i been partying like crazy tho <3 my homies <3 <3 <333. xmas sucked im a grinch i dont care fuck holidays... ummm i saw marilyn manson on halloween it was AMAZINGGG. Andddd uhh idk BORED
It's Vegas it happens.
Are you stayin around or moving?