All right random rant time
hopefuls complaining-
Dont get me wrong i was like "WTF" when my set got rejected
but it was easy to understand why, i had no theme, & being my first nude shoot it was akward, esp cuz it was with a photog i had just met (thanx Amina).
I see these girls baffled by the fact they got rejected & sometimes i agree with them while other times i'm thinking "why did u think u had a chance?"
Look i am not a shallow bitch, but i mean some people have it & some dont, this site is NOT a place for every girl with a tram stanp and a monroe piercing to come & model.
YOU NEED TO HAVE SEX APPEAL. i'm NOT saying these girls are ugly, cuz i mean who is to say that? everyones got different taste so everyone is beautiful but some people just aernt SEXY.
And you need to have ATTITUDE.
I was looking at this one rejected set posted bya hopeful SG that couldnt understand why she was rejected, and all i could think was she doesnt have it. Each picture didnt leave me on edge for the next, & her eyes didnt show a scandelous intention (like all nude shots should ya kno, at least in my opinion)
Well yea thats wat i have to say today
hopefuls complaining-
Dont get me wrong i was like "WTF" when my set got rejected
but it was easy to understand why, i had no theme, & being my first nude shoot it was akward, esp cuz it was with a photog i had just met (thanx Amina).
I see these girls baffled by the fact they got rejected & sometimes i agree with them while other times i'm thinking "why did u think u had a chance?"
Look i am not a shallow bitch, but i mean some people have it & some dont, this site is NOT a place for every girl with a tram stanp and a monroe piercing to come & model.
YOU NEED TO HAVE SEX APPEAL. i'm NOT saying these girls are ugly, cuz i mean who is to say that? everyones got different taste so everyone is beautiful but some people just aernt SEXY.
And you need to have ATTITUDE.
I was looking at this one rejected set posted bya hopeful SG that couldnt understand why she was rejected, and all i could think was she doesnt have it. Each picture didnt leave me on edge for the next, & her eyes didnt show a scandelous intention (like all nude shots should ya kno, at least in my opinion)
Well yea thats wat i have to say today