So after all the rave reviews as of recent and really I would say over the last two years it is probably time to turn this hobby into a profession. Time to get off my rear and start brewing beer full time. I know its not that easy but I think I really need to give it a shot before I miss the boat on...
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I'm only back for a little while. Add my Twitter & Facebook to stay in touch. Glad I was missed... although I don't miss being on here at all.
Hate being sick, need to drag my self to a local deli and grab some good chicken matzo ball soup or just make it myself if I had the energy lol. Need to be better to survive this weekend and the Super Spartan race 

thanks for the req
hope you're doing better!

Thank you xo!
Wondering if I signed my own death certificate by signing up for the Super Spartan race here in Miami lol.
Ok new year new me, now to figure out what the hell I need to change lol, but I know I need to do something for a refreshing change. Any recommendations besides a new diet and new workout plan ha. 

oh thanks 

Thank you for your comment, much pleased me
Cant believe there is only 13 days left to Christmas. I still have so much shopping to do and the malls are so packed right now they are a nightmare. I really need to figure out how to knock out a bunch of these items via the web and save my sanity lol. 

So I wasnt really sure how to take it last night. I went to a H&O concert and had a great time but on the way out I decided to stop by the merchandise both with my buddy. So as I walk to get into line this chick basically walks and bumps into unpurpose and starts up small talk which was fine because she was...
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Thanks really thanks a lot for u comment on my new set
Thanks so much for liking my recent set in member review and commenting ! (: Sorry about the drunk girl messing with you .
Thanks so much for liking my recent set in member review and commenting ! (: Sorry about the drunk girl messing with you .

24 days and counting till Christmas, very stoked for this year. What is everybody hoping for this year?
I want a new tv and an xbox!
I feel you on the tv i could use a new one myself.
It has been far to long since I have been back on SG, but I am happy to say I got my act back together and and back up and running. Now its time to catch up on all that I missed. Gotta get to posting up some new photos since Im now 60 pounds lighter to. Lean mean fighting machine
, and also time...
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Going to Milan Italy for a week for vacation, will be mostly in town there and up by Stresa as well. Anybody have any recommendations out there for things to see or do while i am in town? 

Have a fun trip!
Hey honey! Thanks for the support on my latest set, I sure do appreciate it! 

wow it has been ages since I posted up, life has been hectic as usual with the start of every year. Though things are headed in the right direction, have started hosting in home cooking with Chef Alan at my place. It is off to a rocking start hard to beat good food, 4 bottles of great wine and of course my homebrew. Though i...
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I am. I get back to Colorado in 20 days. Then off to Vegas the next day for a weekend of thawing and bad behaviour.
I do cook actually. I love to do it. I'm a fan of curries, and I have been expanding in to Italian lately. Being from Arizona I'm a fan of Mexican (not to be confused with Tex-mex). I have often pondered opening up somewhere, but I think making it a full time job would be bad. It would probably kill the fun.

I do cook actually. I love to do it. I'm a fan of curries, and I have been expanding in to Italian lately. Being from Arizona I'm a fan of Mexican (not to be confused with Tex-mex). I have often pondered opening up somewhere, but I think making it a full time job would be bad. It would probably kill the fun.

Thank you!