You know you've not had enough sleep when you update your journal but actually put a comment on your last entry :s

My ass hurts! mad

So I managed to get around to sticking some pics of my tats up, the pictures aren't the best as I took them with a point and shoot in my living room after a few beers - oops.

But they're in my pics folder now smile

But here's my new ass tattoo, it's not the kind of thing I'd normally have, but I...
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I'm a little bit sad today frown

My friend Jen leaves Reading today as she has just finished her MA and has got to go into the real world now :s There's a lot of us who are going to miss her a lot but she's at least going to be visiting regularly biggrin

We celebrated her finishing her degree by going getting her first tattoo, which was on her foot (brave) and she didn't even flinch! That's a hard-ass woman lol.

I've been getting inked like a maniac recently, probably because it's all been free biggrin

I had a 2 hour sitting on my foot yesterday, which was a bit on the painful side as it was two hours layering up the lotus flower that my Ganesh sits in. 2 shades of pink, purple, yellow, two turquoises, white and a pinky white shade, my artist was on a mission! He wants to enter this one as "best small" at the Dragon Inkfest convention in January so he's doing amazing work but his attention to detail on my foot can hurt a bit, but in a good way lol.

I also had my left sleeve started as I was sick of having my right sleeve almost finished and blank skin on the left. I've had the outline of some orchid's and stargazer lillies which are going to look amazing. I like flowers and I love tattooed flowers if they're done well. Thesee will cover the majority of my forearm and I'm really excited to get them finished.

Anyways, I took a couple of pics, the arm hasn't turned out too well, but holding my SLR with one hand and taking the other arm with a lens that really doesn't like focussing so close was not easy and I can't find my point and shoot at the moment frown

but here they are:

Only thing is, I'm gonna run out of space soon :s
OK so I've been neglecting my journal again...

I have been busy though. I've just found out one of my mates wants to move into the house I live in which is cool as we all thought he wouldn't (complicated reasons) but he is and that's cool as it gives us an excuse for a great big party - house warming part 2!

Other than...
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Hmmm SG journal, not been here for a while... oops frown

So what's been going on in my life for the last couple of months?

Quite a bit actually! for the few weeks i've been sorting out a new place to live. Am moving in with two really good friends this week smile am really looking forward to it. It's weird, I've known the guys for almost...
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Glad to see you back toots. Things seem to be going much better for you recently kiss

I'm soooo jealous that you got to spend all that time in Japan. You should post some of your piccies. My boyfy might be going there to work for a bit soon. I think I just might tag along wink
Thanks toots kiss
OK so I waited for the hangover to clear before writing this today wink

Had a pretty hectic week and I've only got one more to get all my stuff ready for the trip to Hiroshima. I know there's something I've forgotten to do but I'm buggered if I can remember what it is.

Got the Reading beer festival coming up next weekend, am really glad...
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Why do I seem to always have a hangover when I fill in my journal these days frown

Have had a rough old week. However it's ended on a bit of a high. Went out for my mate's birthday last night and had a cracking night, lots of beer, vodka, tequila and Aftershock and I even got up on the dance floor which I've not done...
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Hiroshima eh? .... Your job is better than mine smile Tokyo would be an absolute dream holiday.

I think you should bring a whole vending machine back and set the system up in this country. Make a fortune, buy Japan.
*packs bag, stands impatiently by car*

I am hopingplanning to go to Amurricah sometime this summer. Land of the free, home of the doughnut. I am going to charm some rich tycoon with my quirky English ways and thorough knowledge of tea-making.
Oh my poor head! Feels like someone's letting off rounds of heavy artillery inside it frown

Went to a charity do at a hall of residence last night and my mate and I decided to play a little known drinking game called "Let's drink Gin til we fall over" Sure enough, I fell over lol! The do was cool though, was in aid of Berkshire Autistic...
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I am putting a patent on your drinking game!

I am also giving you the first round of eggs:
Chickens + gin = time saved at Easter!

Although, does the 'flower' one look suspiciously like it is covered in minature fried eggs?? I think it might well be!
Life's a funny one you know....

But before I go on, I just need to say, check out The Hicks Website it's my mate's band and they fucking rock!!!!!

...Anyway life. I've been spending weeks just thinking recently. Asking myself, how am I going to get through this, how do i really feel, how will I move on and forget etc etc

The thing is,...
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I wanted to say something meaningful and supportive . . . but I think you covered everything.

I hope you find new happiness.

How do you move on?

I've been with the same person since I was a teenager. We've always been completely commited to each other. We've always been convinced we'd be married and share our lives together.

But circumstance is sometimes cruel and now it appears that we have to go our seperate ways. Neither of us are happy about it, I think we'd both like...
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I've learned some very hard lessons recently.

The hardest is that love just sometimes isn't enough to guide you through life.

I'm in love, I always will be, but even this fact and the fact that it is so strong for me that it burns right through my soul so much that I can feel it as a pain in my chest has not been...
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I hope you and your loved one find happiness. Hold onto the memories.