Member Since 2006


I may have met my match. I have never known anyone to be a bigger Incubus fan than me
yeah I'm sort of obsessed... Stellar tattooed on my lower back, Incubus tattooed on my wrist... I get manic and paint a lot so my bathroom is covered in lyrics that are mostly them, with "stellar" huge on one wall, "blink and you miss a beat" on another, with others writen smaller everywhere, and I have the Incubus crows from ACLOTM, with "Look, find free, yet do you get it yet A Crow Left of The Murder" painted across the whole wall over my bed.. "you're so much more endearing with the sound turned off" on part of another wall and "you've got to be, so good to be, you've got to be hilikus" on another wall... like i said, obsessed.


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