I got another job
but sadly i'm going green for it. Its at Asda oh the joys but its actually not to bad i get loads of free stuff and discounts everywhere its brilliant. And at last things are starting to brighten up. I told my parents i'm bi-sexual and that I had a girlfriend. I was expecting the worst to happen, but you know my mum couldn't care less and my dad just found the funny side of it. We then spent the rest of the night having a chinese and a few bottles of wine - what a result 

haha, these email quiz things are hillarious! So please, enjoy my late night boredoms...
and all my "bad" truths...
Smoked? YES
Been Drunk as hell? YES
Screwed someone of the opposite sex? YES
Screwed someone of the same sex? YES
Shoplifted? YES but by mistake i honestly forgot to pay while talking to a friend i'd bumped into :p
Lied? YES
Betrayed a friend? YES but it was for her own good
Been to jail? NO, not yet anyway
Smoked weed? YES but im kinda on the straight an narrow now
Done LSD? NO
Done any other illegal drug? YES
Given oral sex? YES again, hasn't everyone?
Recieved oral sex? YES, it'd be a sad sight if I had said no
Screwed something not of the human race? Only if a vibrator counts
Screwed something not alive? see above answer
Cheated on someone? NO
Used someone? NO
Payed someone for sex? NO - honest i dont have to
Been payed for sex? Yes
Played strip poker? Hell yes
Skipped school? YES
Skipped school to get high / drunk? Once or twice
Danced naked? YES
Danced naked in public? NOPE
Flashed someone? YES
Mooned someone? NO
Kissed someone? YES
Kissed someone of the same sex? YES
Held hands? YES
Hugged someone? YES
French kissed? YES
Had sexual fantasies? YES,every night
Had gay/lesbian fantasies? OH yess
Stolen money? Nope thats wrong
Stolen money from family? nope
Stolen drugs from family? yes but it was to help her
Been convicted of a crime? Nearly
Dated someone because you heard they were 'easy'? NO
Had someone date you because they thought you were 'easy'? NO
Been called a whore? YES all the time
Been called a bitch? YES...
Watched porn? YES
Taped porn? Yes tis good
Watched porn you taped? its on my to do list
Kissed someone in a moving vehical? YES
Screwed someone in a moving vehical? NO, not a moving vehicle - does bonnet count?
Used sex 'toys'? YES who hasn't
Tried to kill yourself? NO, not on purpose anyway
Tried to kill someone else? well i was very drunk at the time
Told someone you hated them? YES many
Told someone you loved them and didnt mean it? NO