I think what makes a suicide girl so beautiful and special is the ability to be so genuine in her real self and also be fucking sexy and beautiful in the process. I don't want to be just another gorgeous girl. I've always struggled with just being a pretty face when I have such a beautiful mind and soul. It's so hard to convey that...
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Wonderful blog. You definatly show that you are more than just a pretty face. Sometimes I think that today, anymore, interaction becomes a two to three word text or comment.  Its refreshing to find another who values content and context.
Thank you so much for commenting pointman! You're right, everyone hides these days behind their screens only revealing as much of themselves as necessary to continue existing. What happened to deep late night conversations. What happened to random calls at 4 am just because someone wanted to talk. what happened to human appreciation! I'm all about bring these things back.