I've made a terrible mistake. I should have never let go of you. You wanted to be chased. I was too tired to lift my arm in objection. Not beacause I didn't care. I was a fool that took you for granted. I regert not giving you the support that you gave me so easily. All you asked for in return was the same kindness that you extened to me. I wish I could take it all back. All the petty fights, indecisiveness, jealousy. There is an ache in my heart where there used to be happiness. I haven't even been able to dream. I consider myself lucky now when I'm to just able to fall asleep. All I have come to know is restlessness and longing to hold you. I even miss hearing you snor and yes you did snor. I wish I could send you this letter and everything would be better, but I can't even find the strenght to do that. All that time I thought i was stayign to make you happy, I was really staying because i was happy. I tossed aside your love just as easily as you had given it. You may think "we can never be" but you are wrong. WE will always be, because you have taken a piece of my heart. A piece that can never be given back or forgotten. Just the same I have taken a piece of you. I am SORRY and I wish that you would take me back. I miss my lil' brown eyed mexican girl.