I must say that im getting owned on LIVE. The new maps have me a bit lost. I've been getting some crappy game play types too. Any way I'm a big nerd i'm waiting for sony to update the firmware for my PSP. I want to browse the web and look at SG somewhere other than my compy486.

check out homestarrunner.com if you don't get....
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I'm getting excited and nervous. I'm going to go see coldplay in five days. It's been so long since i went to a concert. and thrice isn't to far away either. and to think both are going to be in irvine kinda creepy.

of to some halo 2 thanks bettiexpage
So I've decided that my company is stupid and running it self into the ground at mach 5 with it's hair on fire.They want pre-sales but don't want to give people time to try and sell them. We want you to give us results but like hell if we're going to give you the tools or support to do it. Hey while you're at it...
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Hey look at that mug eeek. I finally took a few seconds out of my lazy ass day to put a ugly photo of myself on this site.
Hey look at this, after 4 months of staring at hot women I'm actualy going to write an entry. I'm happy as hell right now because i got my new computer. Also i got my new gigantic 19" flat panel screen eeek (man is it big, but big screens need love too). I haven't got any sleep thanks to work (inventory) and damn jury duty. mad but...
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