Hey guys!!! I'm the captain for the Philly SG army and I'm trying to organize all the dates for when we can pass out flyers and do our promo missions!! If you're a philly gal/guy or if you're even from around the area and wanna travel to philly to help out I'd be so happy to meet you and hang out and pass stuff out!! We need 2-3 troops to pass out flyers per show! I live right down the street from South St./TLA and will try my hardest to as many events as I can!
9/19, Philadelphia, Fall of Troy
9/21, Philadelphia, Joyce Manor
9/22, Philadelphia, JAMC
9/23, Philadelphia, The Kills
9/26, Philadelphia, Ghost
10/4, Philadelphia, Four Year Strong
10/15, Philadelphia, The Dear Hunter
We also need one main night where we organize all of us to walk around different parts of the city and hang up posters! (I was thinking South St. Possibly center city, Girard near Union Transfer, or anywhere else someone might suggest!)
If you're interested let me know! I just wanna get an idea of how many people we may possibly have in our army! Also make sure to join the SG Army thread!! I'm excited to meet a bunch of you philly people :~)