Home from the hospital. I was in an accident on my way home last tuesday. My car is totaled and I have about 50 stiches in in all over my face and head. The car was t-boned by a young adult and he was charged. An older gelteman helped me out of the car, it had rooled over and he took charge an I could not see from all the blood in my face and eyes. I figured he was someone who knew what he was doing as the EMT and police let me stay in charge till I was put in the ambulance. In the ER he came in and said he found my cell and called my son. The staff asked how he knew me he said he was at the accident and helped me there. Turns out he was the hospital chapplin. Also a lady who halped out was nurse on the flore I stayed on.
I am in pain stil I broke my cheek and will need some cosmitic surgury as they say but I am lucky. A person in the room next to me in the er was in a motorcycle wreck and he did not make it.
I am in pain stil I broke my cheek and will need some cosmitic surgury as they say but I am lucky. A person in the room next to me in the er was in a motorcycle wreck and he did not make it.