When only one company is allowed to monopolize a companies product, that company feels it can place a price so high, that the philosophy is, "If they want it bad enough, they will pay for it". I am ranting about the cost of a new flight helmet. $1,200.00 for a new SPH-5 helmet. Thanks to ebay I found all but one part needed to refit mine for 500. The one part I want is a Dual visor housing without the ANVIS. Price for that is $200 if you can find it. With the ANVIS mount is $14. The paint job looks better in real life than the pics. It was sent off to Comtronics today for the new com gear and a hush kit.
More Blogs
Sunday Nov 25, 2007
Went to see The Mist with the kids. I liked it bu they have read ever… -
Saturday Nov 10, 2007
Got a third unsolicited offer to go to work as a pilot again. This on… -
Friday Nov 02, 2007
Back to work gald to be back missed the road but needed the rest very… -
Thursday Oct 11, 2007
I am on vacation. glad the week is going by so slow. I missed the fly… -
Friday Sep 21, 2007
Sitting here at the truck stop in Binghamton, Ny waiting to get a col… -
Thursday Sep 06, 2007
"He introduced the extraordinary power of opera to people who perhaps… -
Monday Sep 03, 2007
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Sunday Jul 29, 2007
Had a much needed 3 day weekend. Read Harry Potter. It being the lon… -
Monday Jul 16, 2007
Bran new tire exploded on me while passing some old people hope it di… -
Friday Jul 13, 2007
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