Weird day I'm having

Well, I have an important meeting in just under 8 hours from now. And of course sleeping seems to be about the last thing my body wants to do at the moment. Ehhh...

Life is so much more interesting when viewed through the bottom of a shotglass.

Been a very very long time since my last update. Anyways, I spent the summer wandering around, just sort of going in a generally Eastern direction. It was cool, driving around, seeing the country. Wyoming is now my favorite state, and probably one of the most beautiful places I've ever visited.
Other than that, not much has changed. New job, same anxiety. The work sucks,...
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Other than that, not much has changed. New job, same anxiety. The work sucks,...
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it's a world gone mad

I know it's been a while, but I'm finally updating my journal thingy. For what it's worth.
In this entry, I would like to relate to you all the misfortunes that befell me last Monday. Let us begin at the beginning. Upon awakening from yet another night of inadequate sleep, I peered over at my clock, and suddenly realized that the alarm had failed to...
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In this entry, I would like to relate to you all the misfortunes that befell me last Monday. Let us begin at the beginning. Upon awakening from yet another night of inadequate sleep, I peered over at my clock, and suddenly realized that the alarm had failed to...
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The other day for some reason I suddenly became really enamored with the idea of overdosing on vitamin C. I wonder if it is possible. If it is, I would like to be the first to do it. I'd be the most lemony-fresh rotting corpse evah!

The new hard drive is working out pretty well, I think. Maybe not so great as I'd hoped, but much better than I'd expected, non. It's also quieter than the old one, and the little noise it does make reminds of percolating coffee, for some odd reason.
Today was lame in the extreme. I didn't even wake up until 12:30, but that was to find...
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Today was lame in the extreme. I didn't even wake up until 12:30, but that was to find...
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Whoo, so the replacement hard drive for my notebook PC got here 2 days earlier than I expected. Very cool. It actually came in yesterday afternoon, but I didn't pick it up until this morning. The rest of my day has consisted of loading everything onto the new HDD, making random trips out to apparently random places for no particular reason, going to Jamba Juice,...
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