This last week has been a bit less than fun. The best part had to be on Friday, when the payroll department told me they lost my paycheck. No apology, no acknowledgement of any inconvenience this might cause me, just a matter-of-fact statement spoken in a "what the fuck are you going to do about it, you pissant office drone" sort of attitude. They weren't even going to look for it, but said they'd just have it reissued by corporate headquarters, which since it's all done by various forms and memos in the grand tradition of inter-office bereaucracy, it could have taken as much as 4-5 business days before I could get my check. Needless to say, this did not go over well with either myself or any of the various administrators whom I spent the remainder of my day bitching at. Happily I wasn't the only one who was shorted, as apparently they'd misdirected an entire bundle of checks, and by the end of the day not only were the missing checks found, but payroll got bitched out by damn near everyone in the local chain of command, including the head of HR and the Site Manager himself (the closest thing to God we have). So that was fun.
But oh well, Friday was probably my last day there anyways. Thursday I have my physical with the military (5:45am ugh), and that goes okay I'll immediately be sworn-in that afternoon. And nevermore a mere civilian will I be, presumably. I really hope this whole thing goes okay, cause if not I am going to be royally fucked over, since my total prospects at this point equal somewhere in the range from zero to nil.
Oh ho, but I really am at such a horrible crossroads right now. My life my life my life yes it is so very sweetly confusing and broken at the moment. But at least I'm pointed in some kind of direction. Theoretically. This being centered/balanced thing is making things difficult. Maybe I was better off when I cared about money and buying things? At least then I would have been motivated to stay at this job that pays really well but makes me fucking miserable and gives me nightmares. Always with the doubt... Well, regret I don't do, but doubt I have in large quantity. Tsk tsk.
But oh well, Friday was probably my last day there anyways. Thursday I have my physical with the military (5:45am ugh), and that goes okay I'll immediately be sworn-in that afternoon. And nevermore a mere civilian will I be, presumably. I really hope this whole thing goes okay, cause if not I am going to be royally fucked over, since my total prospects at this point equal somewhere in the range from zero to nil.
Oh ho, but I really am at such a horrible crossroads right now. My life my life my life yes it is so very sweetly confusing and broken at the moment. But at least I'm pointed in some kind of direction. Theoretically. This being centered/balanced thing is making things difficult. Maybe I was better off when I cared about money and buying things? At least then I would have been motivated to stay at this job that pays really well but makes me fucking miserable and gives me nightmares. Always with the doubt... Well, regret I don't do, but doubt I have in large quantity. Tsk tsk.