The new hard drive is working out pretty well, I think. Maybe not so great as I'd hoped, but much better than I'd expected, non. It's also quieter than the old one, and the little noise it does make reminds of percolating coffee, for some odd reason.
Today was lame in the extreme. I didn't even wake up until 12:30, but that was to find that the J-Rod had called looking for me, but when I called his place Bridget answered and was worried cause she didn't know where he was, and since she's all pregnant and sick and such, she was kinda freaked so I promised I'd track him down for her. Sooo I spend the next 1 1/2 hours doing that, only to find out he had been out helping his sister (who is totally hot and likes me, too bad she's a good Mormon girl) with some stuff.
And then I talked to Nick about playing some Halo, since it's going to take all of the mad skillz we both possess to beat the final difficulty level. And then I got stuck having dinner with my family somehow, and took almost 2 HOURS! Damn...
By the time I got home, I was so sick of people that I rainchecked the Halo and just crashed in front of the TV and watched Old School. And now I'm here...
Today was lame in the extreme. I didn't even wake up until 12:30, but that was to find that the J-Rod had called looking for me, but when I called his place Bridget answered and was worried cause she didn't know where he was, and since she's all pregnant and sick and such, she was kinda freaked so I promised I'd track him down for her. Sooo I spend the next 1 1/2 hours doing that, only to find out he had been out helping his sister (who is totally hot and likes me, too bad she's a good Mormon girl) with some stuff.
And then I talked to Nick about playing some Halo, since it's going to take all of the mad skillz we both possess to beat the final difficulty level. And then I got stuck having dinner with my family somehow, and took almost 2 HOURS! Damn...
By the time I got home, I was so sick of people that I rainchecked the Halo and just crashed in front of the TV and watched Old School. And now I'm here...