Had a great weekend. There were some times when things got kind of rough, but that's how life is sometimes. The details aren't really mine to share, so not going to go into it more. I've had a lot of sleep in the last two days, though most of it in short stretches, 2 or 3 hours at a time. I'm feeling very comfortable with myself right now, though also anxious in a good way. It's funny how sometimes an outsider's perspective on a difficult decision can really clarify the issue and make the right choice seem so obvious. I'm being extra cautious right now, as I know that I'm at a point where the big choices I make right now are going to directly effect my future for quite some time. I'm going to be patient and make decisions only after giving myself the time I need to analyze the consequences and make contingency plans for the road that lies ahead.
Tomorrow I have a few small errands to run, and I have to sit down and have serious talks with a few people. Things simply can not keep on the way they are, and I am tired of being the only one trying to do anything about it. Tomorrow I also plan to set aside a space of exactly one hour, which is going to be entirely devoted towards a personal project of mine, namely designing what will become my ideal space to exist in. I've put a lot of thought into it already, thinking about needs and desires, and the best compromise to achieve balance while not necessarily ignoring either. So I'll be breaking things down into a quantifiable list of desired traits, and then from there I'm going to start on rough sketches of individual components. Or I might do an initial floor plan first and fill in details later? Either way would work. Well I'll see how I feel when the moment comes.
Tuesday should be cool. Taking Sadie out for dinner to celebrate her 21st birthday. Good Mexican food will be had, and also tasty beverages with foreign-sounding names. La Casuela!
Tomorrow I have a few small errands to run, and I have to sit down and have serious talks with a few people. Things simply can not keep on the way they are, and I am tired of being the only one trying to do anything about it. Tomorrow I also plan to set aside a space of exactly one hour, which is going to be entirely devoted towards a personal project of mine, namely designing what will become my ideal space to exist in. I've put a lot of thought into it already, thinking about needs and desires, and the best compromise to achieve balance while not necessarily ignoring either. So I'll be breaking things down into a quantifiable list of desired traits, and then from there I'm going to start on rough sketches of individual components. Or I might do an initial floor plan first and fill in details later? Either way would work. Well I'll see how I feel when the moment comes.
Tuesday should be cool. Taking Sadie out for dinner to celebrate her 21st birthday. Good Mexican food will be had, and also tasty beverages with foreign-sounding names. La Casuela!