Today was the first day this winter that I've thought holy shit it's cold outside, cause damn, it is. Had a very strange day, where nothing quite seemed to go right. Went to Costco and got my little bro a Nintendo DS for xmas and some food type stuff for myself, but when I went to the food court place like I always do I couldn't get my usual (long polish dog and 20oz soda for $1.50, hell yeah) cause they were having electrical problems and the only thing they had available was pizza by the slice. So that was like wtf, so then I had to pick up my older brother from the Guard armory by the airport, and we stopped at burger king on our way back, and strangely enough, they were having electrical problems too, and they couldn't cook meat. And when they started trying to get the broiler working again these huge flames started coming out of it. So we were like "..." and went to the Arby's next door instead.
More Blogs
Thursday Dec 09, 2004
88.0952380952381% of me is a huge nerd! How about you? -
Thursday Dec 09, 2004
Weird day I'm having -
Monday Dec 06, 2004
Well, I have an important meeting in just under 8 hours from now. And… -
Thursday Dec 02, 2004
Life is so much more interesting when viewed through the bottom of a … -
Wednesday Nov 24, 2004
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Wednesday Jun 02, 2004
it's a world gone mad -
Thursday Apr 22, 2004
I know it's been a while, but I'm finally updating my journal thingy.… -
Thursday Apr 08, 2004
The other day for some reason I suddenly became really enamored with … -
Tuesday Mar 23, 2004
The new hard drive is working out pretty well, I think. Maybe not so … -
Friday Mar 19, 2004
Whoo, so the replacement hard drive for my notebook PC got here 2 day…