I know it's been a while, but I'm finally updating my journal thingy. For what it's worth.
In this entry, I would like to relate to you all the misfortunes that befell me last Monday. Let us begin at the beginning. Upon awakening from yet another night of inadequate sleep, I peered over at my clock, and suddenly realized that the alarm had failed to...
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In this entry, I would like to relate to you all the misfortunes that befell me last Monday. Let us begin at the beginning. Upon awakening from yet another night of inadequate sleep, I peered over at my clock, and suddenly realized that the alarm had failed to...
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The other day for some reason I suddenly became really enamored with the idea of overdosing on vitamin C. I wonder if it is possible. If it is, I would like to be the first to do it. I'd be the most lemony-fresh rotting corpse evah!

The new hard drive is working out pretty well, I think. Maybe not so great as I'd hoped, but much better than I'd expected, non. It's also quieter than the old one, and the little noise it does make reminds of percolating coffee, for some odd reason.
Today was lame in the extreme. I didn't even wake up until 12:30, but that was to find...
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Today was lame in the extreme. I didn't even wake up until 12:30, but that was to find...
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Whoo, so the replacement hard drive for my notebook PC got here 2 days earlier than I expected. Very cool. It actually came in yesterday afternoon, but I didn't pick it up until this morning. The rest of my day has consisted of loading everything onto the new HDD, making random trips out to apparently random places for no particular reason, going to Jamba Juice,...
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I am so tired right now it's painful just to keep my eyes open. I was up until 5am, baking cookies of all things (long story).
Then I finally got to sleep around 6, only to have three different people call me between 9 and 11, making it impossible to get back to sleep. So here I am.
On a positive note, my new hard...
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Then I finally got to sleep around 6, only to have three different people call me between 9 and 11, making it impossible to get back to sleep. So here I am.
On a positive note, my new hard...
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This morning I woke up (my first mistake), and my house was freezing cold. I could actually see my breath, that's how cold it was. So yeah...
I made waffles though, and so now I feel better.
Last weekend was interesting. I spent a lot of if playing the suburbanite, doing yardwork and even making a trip out to The Home Depot. I'm considering modeling...
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I made waffles though, and so now I feel better.
Last weekend was interesting. I spent a lot of if playing the suburbanite, doing yardwork and even making a trip out to The Home Depot. I'm considering modeling...
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So my best friends are going to have a baby. This is not unexpected at all, as they are newly married and Mormon, but even so it's a tough idea to wrap my head around. They've already taken to calling me Uncle, which I'm not sure I'd be comfortable hearing even from my blood-relations. It's exciting I suppose, and I am happy for them, since...
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why do you say the best years of life are behind you? that certainly would be depressing if it were true, but i kinda disagree. and you dont stop growing until you die or give up. that's what i think anyway.
Hmm, well I meant growing and dying in a literal, physical sense. I agree that as a person you don't stop growing until you give up. I always say that the best years are behind me because there was a period of a couple years when everything was perfect, when I was happiest, and those days have long since come and gone. But who knows, maybe the days to come will hold their own joys and oppurtunities.
Honestly the uncertainty of the future is exciting for me. Granted the carefree days are over, but now I can slow down more and appreciate everything around me.
Honestly the uncertainty of the future is exciting for me. Granted the carefree days are over, but now I can slow down more and appreciate everything around me.
Is it okay to love someone yet still be really disappointed in them sometimes? Isn't love supposed to be so unconditional that you should just accept all that they are, all that they do, without question?
I'm thinking life isn't ever going to go back to being as predictable for me as it once was. Maybe it's me that's changed. Or maybe the whole world...
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I'm thinking life isn't ever going to go back to being as predictable for me as it once was. Maybe it's me that's changed. Or maybe the whole world...
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So the HDD on my notebook PC seems to have finally decided that life isn't worth living. It's been giving me trouble for the last couple of months, and yesterday morning it just sort decided that it wasn't going to work anymore. I've run every trick I know on it, and even now it will only give me a C: prompt 1/2 of the time....
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Eh, I am so sore right now, it's not even cool. I did a bit of sparring last night with Miles and then Shiro, and finally proved to myself just how much I've been neglecting to keep up with my exercise and training. I took at least three really good shots to the ribs, plus I think I pulled something after I tried to do...
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So the other day I am out for a walk, walking along, just sort of going nowhere, as I am wont to do when the mood strikes me, which is admittedly an infrequent occasion. Anywho, there I was, walking, when lo and behold it starts raining, quite suddenly. So it's raining, and I'm still walking along as before, only I was decidedly more damp all...
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