So Wednesday night I went out and had some drinks with some friends. I guess good times were had, though all of the drinks I ended up having were pretty mediocre if not downright bad. Friends always take me to these bars they say are great and all this other junk, but I'm starting to think it's the way some people are about food, in...
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How strange this is, this feeling of freedom and uncertainty. For the first time in a while I don't know what I am supposed to be doing with myself. There isn't someone constantly yelling at me, telling me where to be, what to do, how to do it, and how quickly it needs to be done, rinse repeat ad infinitum. What is this unreality I...
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Oi. Sooo it has been awhile. Long story short, I ended up getting a med discharge from the Army after my knee got fucked up during our FTX, and then I ended up with pneumonia, which combined with the gas chamber and a week of continued exposure to below freezing temperatures and all other types of ill shit, managed to completely wreak all kinds of...
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So this is likely to be my last post for at least a few months. Tomorrow afternoon I have to report in by 1800, then they put me up in a hotel for the night, then I'll be at MEPS allday Tuesday doing a final physical screening, getting my travel orders, etc. Then It's back to the hotel, and then I fly out early Wednesday...
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Have my first drill with the military this weekend. Should be interesting, at the least. Leaving for training at Fort Knox, Kentucky on January 18, and I guess I'll be gone for about 4 months or so. Hopefully, everything is going to change after I get back. surreal
This last week has been a bit less than fun. The best part had to be on Friday, when the payroll department told me they lost my paycheck. No apology, no acknowledgement of any inconvenience this might cause me, just a matter-of-fact statement spoken in a "what the fuck are you going to do about it, you pissant office drone" sort of attitude. They weren't...
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Weird day I'm having robot
Well, I have an important meeting in just under 8 hours from now. And of course sleeping seems to be about the last thing my body wants to do at the moment. Ehhh... confused
Life is so much more interesting when viewed through the bottom of a shotglass. whatever
Been a very very long time since my last update. Anyways, I spent the summer wandering around, just sort of going in a generally Eastern direction. It was cool, driving around, seeing the country. Wyoming is now my favorite state, and probably one of the most beautiful places I've ever visited.
Other than that, not much has changed. New job, same anxiety. The work sucks,...
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it's a world gone mad wink