why does my boyfriend feel the need to put in his two fucking cents in about what i do with MY MONEY!! i live by myself, pay my own shit, no dependability what so ever. my daddy isn't going to buy me a new car, or buy me a bar so i can run my own buisness. it's all me! it's called doing things for your self. i have great credit. he, by the way, who is 4 years older than me, has no credit which is worse than bad credit. is trying to tell me i'm stupid for trying to make investment for building my credit. he knows jack shit!! it just makes me mad that he puts me down for something i'm tryng to do for myself. i'm SOOO distrought right now!!
i'm sick of over bearing bull shit!! i just want to go away!! i'm sick of pretending everthing is fine. be a fucking man!
i'm sick of over bearing bull shit!! i just want to go away!! i'm sick of pretending everthing is fine. be a fucking man!
Hi, that does suck as long as my girlfriend isnt being conned or get herself into massive debt then i dont care what she does with her money, Try not be too harsh at least he cares bout you. Or is it more an obsessive way? which aint so good!
yah fair enough! tell him to chill out! and if he doesnt hit him with a giant wet fish or something???!!!!