More and more I am starting to realise that my trip won't be the only thing I'll have to do on my own. I am nobody's wife and I will have to settle in that role if I don't want to go crazy. My exboyfriend chose his friends over me, and all my other friends choose their lovers over me. So, in the end, I am always on my own.
Love it Gwen, learn to love it. Learn to walk home alone and don't feel like shit.
I really think I am kind of awesome. Kind of. Most people take me for granted though.
Love it Gwen, learn to love it. Learn to walk home alone and don't feel like shit.
I really think I am kind of awesome. Kind of. Most people take me for granted though.
Someone reactivated your account... Jaja... Missy zeker!
Maar hoest met jou nu?