I dunno how many miles I'm away from you
But I know the phonecalls costs a lot
Now I'm sitting in my room
Kickin' in the T.V.
'Cause I swallowed everything I got
Yes I took everything I got my hands on
I guess I was using a crutch
But now drugs, and alcohol
And available women
Don't seem to interest me that much

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haha, i have thorns..not just petals lover kiss

p.s. thanks for making me smile once again today. wink

[Edited on Oct 19, 2004 12:34PM]
took his own name
from a big book
its funny how your life
becomes a story
that you thought you were writin'
he lived by himself
but he kept his custard creams
under the sideboard
like a cat
he spent all his money
on records and magazines
he so wanted to be inside
to be inside that other world
and to be in the big...
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for some reason my computer wont let me open the attached song...sigh frown
youm should update your journal so i don't look like a stalker. eeek

later surferboy
The desert in October... In one word.... Warm..... Who the hell gets a sunburn in October????? Me, that's who....

I've decided on a birthday present for myself next month.... I'm going to New York for a couple of weeks.... the last time I was in the city was 10th, sept. 2001... Errie innit????

Tex Perkins is a demi god....

In the lonely streets of every...
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ya i've been contemplating using my weekends when i start work to go meet up with some of my interests that are not too far away..van,calgary,maybe winnipeg..but blah i don't know.it's all so surreal and easy on the internet.

maybe better to just hangout at home listening to david grey and wondering when things will change again over a glass of wine.

i don't know i go back and forth from i'll meet him to i give up.
strangers can only take you so far ...i love old junk like that..old rusted cars,washers..i can find beauty more in something thats had it's day then the bright new shiny stuff.
tho i do love modern furniture..mostly cause i like lighter looking furniture..well more square than round bulky stuff
simple lines,etc..i'm sure life has more to offer or give but i'm just stuck in how to go about aquiring it or experiencing it..it's sad cause i'm sure you probably don't need money for everything.yet i keep coming back to that as my excuse or block.i need to find a balance and a place i like to live more than here.being where i'm at is slowly soffocating me..i wouldn't care about working lame jobs if i lived in a city that made me happy and was interesting.or learned how to drive and could be more independent and live outside the city somewhere..oh i so wish i had learned how to drive i would have done so much more exploring and moving.and i don't know but i never really feel comfortable with the thought of visiting a country alone as a women .i seemed to have lost my sharp street sense somewhere along the way.i would go to place in canada or usa alone but thats about it.well actually my first move to montreal i knew only one person there.and i have to say that moving there really helped me to become me and not who my parents/friends /etc decided i was before going..i met the best people there..fuck i love montreal so open and full of so much multi-culture and interesting stuff and festivals..blah.i've never lived in a place where so many diff kinds of people could live and share and support other people and cultures and embrace it with love like they do there.

[Edited on Oct 15, 2004 12:13PM]
ok, i wont sell my love too cheaply.

Well I'm sitting in the bar
Doing lift home deals
With the last two drinkers
In a skirt and high heels
One of them's a girl
The other one I'm not so sure
One of them's on acid
The other one's screaming
In baby talk
And as I dream
There's a cold grey Saturday
Comin' in under the door

Well I've been travelling all week...
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haha, well i only have that cause a friend of mine(we had the same b-day) was briefly the drummer(ken) and this is one of the posters of his that made it through the house fire that he died in.this rollins one belonged to him too.i had another huge ass doa twice the size of the youth brigade poster..but stupid me gave to a friend of my ex..i have this stupid habit of giving people things..but since i love youth brigade i kept this one .i want to get them both framed..more adult looking ya know..lol...fear..MORE BEER..hehe..ya i still love the old school punk bands.but i'm not much into seeing them now with new members and such..tho i have to say the dayglo's actually improved with putting new blood in the band..but as for other's how many times can doa,snfu,etc come out of retirement ???? i'm very cynical when i hear there's a show that's main headline and pull factor isTHIS IS OUR LAST SHOW...ya right..!
i was just killing time reading your comments and back..sorry to hear about your pooch.haha so you'll appriciate my rant about my job and mindless factory work..the good thing about it is the low stress factor..the bad thing is that you get to sit there the whole shift and think.as it's too loud to talk.and think and think..why are you doing this job??well thats what i usually end up thinking.it's so depressing to me to think about it as my future..haha dirty old man..ya well i must be one perverted women then.another choice topic my mind likes to avoid..being 34 and dating 23 yrs olds..pretty lame..they just don't get anything i try to talk to them about..lol...solar power thats cool.i wish i could wander around your dessert paradise naked..lol..i love the heat..i bet when you were younger you were like me with those electeric horse/cow fences and would touch them just to see if they were on and get a shock..you little monkey! ooo aaa
I'm seein demons
an' I ain't the only one
I'm seein demons an' they're lookin back at me
they know
they know
they're movin' all together
wonderin' why I'm hangin' back so

you look out one night
see a bunch o' ham hocks'n'hog jowls
and their trotters are up on the table
upsettin' their glasses
I'm seein demons
an' I ain't the only one
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Okay, so it's 110 degrees outside... You live in the desert, so you expect that....

Last night at work, one of your buddies got bitten by a rattlesnake.... You live in Arizona, so you kind of expect that....

You locked your keys in the car yesterday afternoon while at the store.... You have the mental capacity of a chimp, so you REALLY expected that.....

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tongue My aunts a Jehova's witness. I never understood why she converted. I would miss xmas too much
u wanna drive to texas and get one that needs a home
Okay then, thanks to RedheadDevil 's urging I will note something that actually DID happen today.... I worked, worked my little butt off.... Whilst working, Oh so hard... I noticed a red cord hanging from the side of the production line.... Still having a small amount of the anarchist spirit I'd cultured as a pup...... As well as having the mind of a chimp.... I...
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absolutely nothing today.....

Yeah, Friday seems SOOOOOO far away! Absolutely nothing today? C'mon, something had to have happened to you today! smile
Last night, today.....

I found out today that Mr. Boogs (The little Italian greyhound in the picture with me) is losing his battle with Lymphoma.... Time to spoil him rotten.....

Last night, I ordered the last bit of my solar array... Now all I need are a few more panels and my house will be 100% off the electrical grid....

If I could find a...
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My son turned 17 yesterday..... Ye Gods, that makes him just a year ot two younger than some of the SG's..... I am not a dirty old man, I am not a dirty old man..... If you tell yourself something long enough it will eventually be true..... I let my boy know that this is absolutely the last birthday he's allowed to have.....

I got...
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our high temps are usually accompanied by icky high humidity... that's what we had last week.

my hubby binds and trims books on second shift.

go go gadget solar panels!
The humidity here rises and falls, depending on the time of year.... At the mo, it's humid (the middle of monsoon season)....

Ever seen a thunderstorm race across the desert on a 100 degree night????

Your hub's job must be as mundane as my own.....