I like this blog topic A LOT. It was pretty easy to think of the first two laws, the second however, I'm still pretty hesitant about.
because, DUH! there are countries still that KILL you if you are gay. That was the first thing that came to mind. easy.
LAW#2: Globally Funded Paternity Leave.
I watched an episode of Broadly( Its a side channel VICE made to make documentaries and articles about womens rights, feminism and other cool stuff.) that was about federally funded Paternity leave and how the only 2 countries in THE WORLD that dont participate is the US and Papua New Guinea... which has only been a country for 50 years... really america? get your shit together!
LAW#3: Everyone gets $200 a month(or whatever is equivelant to a $200 amount in whatever currency that country is)
I saw that a country does this (probably Sweden or something?) And I think it would help reduce homelessness and poverty. I think everyone deserves a chance to better their lives regardless. so yeah i think those laws would work.