So, how's err'body?
This day couldnt be so shitty....
im in alot of shit. Knee deep in debt bullshit.
I may get evicted from my apartment, who knows.
I need money like i need air.
Since i changed jobs, i was out of work for 2 weeks.
Then things got shittier.
Now, im working my ass off. i just didnt get paid enough to pay a few things off.
So im in a sticky situation.
This prolly aint the place to be askin for help, but damn, if i could get any help, that
would be a lifesaver.
Ive got big ass goals that are gonna take time to get to...
Web Design and videogame developing, and a mass load of other things im gonna get into.
Film, Art, Music, Videos.
Believe me, once these come out, its gonna come out with a fucking BANG.
Bigger than Eminem and Manson put together for example.
Ive got ALOT to share. ALOT floating in my brain.
Im not just some weed smokin' computer geek/junkie...
Im a bomb ticking ...
Even the stinky ARABS will hear me explode.
Anyone that helps me out is NEVER forgotten.
I have photographic memory.. i never forget shit.
Theres just so much shit im going to do.
I will make my fucking mark on this planet.
Im 27 years old, hearing impaired,
yeah, im gonna make somethin' happen.
When im DEAD, they'll know just who i WAS.
This day couldnt be so shitty....
im in alot of shit. Knee deep in debt bullshit.
I may get evicted from my apartment, who knows.
I need money like i need air.
Since i changed jobs, i was out of work for 2 weeks.
Then things got shittier.
Now, im working my ass off. i just didnt get paid enough to pay a few things off.
So im in a sticky situation.
This prolly aint the place to be askin for help, but damn, if i could get any help, that
would be a lifesaver.
Ive got big ass goals that are gonna take time to get to...
Web Design and videogame developing, and a mass load of other things im gonna get into.
Film, Art, Music, Videos.
Believe me, once these come out, its gonna come out with a fucking BANG.
Bigger than Eminem and Manson put together for example.
Ive got ALOT to share. ALOT floating in my brain.
Im not just some weed smokin' computer geek/junkie...
Im a bomb ticking ...
Even the stinky ARABS will hear me explode.
Anyone that helps me out is NEVER forgotten.
I have photographic memory.. i never forget shit.
Theres just so much shit im going to do.
I will make my fucking mark on this planet.
Im 27 years old, hearing impaired,
yeah, im gonna make somethin' happen.
When im DEAD, they'll know just who i WAS.
But we are both dreamers.. and we reach high.. we dont know any better. I cant tell you to grasp for something more realistic, you're gonna go where your heart leads you.. but Im wishing you all the best hun *hugs* &