So not too long ago I was called a whore. Which to my surprised made me laugh so hard. I don't know where people get these thoughts. I love the person I am with and if doesn't work I don't see myself dating. I spent too much time with her and our son deserves better than that. Of course I won't be like those lame people who don't date because they can't live without their other half. I am just at a crucial point in my life where I have to go for everything I want in my life. I will not stop until I grab a handful of stars and eat most of them on the way down. I am just someone like everybody who wants to make it in this world. Not stuck in the between of making it and worrying about not making it. I love my life and I love the woman who just makes my life worse than hell. As usual I am listening to Avenged Sevenfold, I can't get over the Hail to the King album. I absolutely love every song, I hope one day I can open up for that band or play on the same tour as them. That would be a dream come true, since Freddie Mercury isn't around. Not all my goals will happen. Even if a music career doesn't go far, at least I tried. That's why I am going to college to have a back up. Life does suck but at least smiling shows that you are still in your skin. I hope to sleep soon or at least do my home work so I can go out for a little bit today. I always hated how insomnia always kept me awake. when all I wanted to do was just close my eyes. For some reason my Xbox's power supply decided to break so now I need to order a new one. At least it turned off instead of burning down the how from a fan short circuit.
Maybe I am just a little bit bored, that's i have music to help me get through long nights.

Maybe I am just a little bit bored, that's i have music to help me get through long nights.
&& Avenged Sevenfold- hell to the yeah!